Wednesday, October 03, 2007

That's some BITTER

GACK! I just took my first dose of the tincture of bitter that Rebecca made for me. It smelled good - nice and cinnamony. I almost took it straight but decided that I wouldn't risk it just in case. Thank goodness I didn't. As it was, diluted in about 1/4 cup of water I almost gagged. It made me eat just to get the hideous taste out of my mouth!!! Right now the only thing lingering is the cinnamony taste. Good thing. Ugh.

I have my girly doctor's appointment today at 11am. Sigh. I suspect since I am now 40 I will have to go for a mamogram. Ugh again.

I am back to weighing myself everyday (if I can remember). Clearly my experiment didn't work. Luckily I am down 1.6 pounds from yesterday. Now if only that would continue. 1.6 pounds a day I would achieve my goal in about 40 days. How biblical. I could stand that.

I almost lost my appetite pemanently yesterday. I found out one of the TESSCO team members was arrested over the weekend for sexual abuse of minors. And sadly they were very minor (13-ish). He says he didn't do it, but he is totally the type you think would have done it. He rings high on my creepy meter - even before this. What's worse is he just got married about two weeks ago to another team member, and I think her daughter was one of the people he was abusing. Ugh. UGH! Seriously, reading the news article made me more than a little sick!

Well - I have to go now to my first session of Why Catholic? We are studying the sacrements this time around. I would rather be doing session 4 which is studying prayer. That seems more interesting to me.

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