OK - I almost fell down dead this morning when I saw the scale. While - like you all - I can totally justify WHY I had a three to four (3.4) pound spike this week, I am no happier about it. I know it was partially inspired by 1. my period, 2. food heavy weekend, 3. alcohol heavy weekend, 4. sick (mental health) day yesterday where I did nothing but sleep, read, and watch Bones and eat. None the less, I am blaming this ALL on the "no holds barred" diet I have been half following the past few days. I know that is kind of silly because in reality it has been less than a week since I was given "permission" and in practice I haven't actually eaten anything I wouldn't have eaten before the release of rules - I just haven't felt as guilty about it.
All that being said. Something has gotta give!!! I don't know now if I should continue on the suggested course for the next week or so and see if the horrors of this morning's scale review improves or if I should quickly fat flush starting tomorrow. Katie said she is up for a fat flush... but according to Rebecca part of my problems have been my unhealthy relationship with food. Meaning, that I have a love/hate relationship with it. I love to eat, but I see food as a "bad" thing since it makes me fat. So - I ignore the signals that my body sends me... and then I binge - which results in me being disgusted with myself for eating. I do take comfort in the fact that my binge foods have gotten healthier (if no less in calories). For example, pistachio nuts have been my snack of choice for the past several years. However, the unhealthy aspect is primarily my attitude.
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