Wednesday, October 17, 2007

GUESS what I just did?!?!?!?!?!!?

We had an informal company meeting in the lobby a little bit ago because our company president brought donuts and bagels from Dunkin Donuts in to celebrate our ranking #35 by ENR magazine AND the $3 million contract we (as in my section--GIS) just won with Maryland Aviation Administration AND I DIDN'T EAT ANY OF IT. Walked away. Whew. I had breakfast at home, so there was no reason to eat. And amazingly, I didn't eat for the sake of it being in front of me. Bagels and donuts for 350 people is an impressive thing to look at and not eat. It was like having the whole store in front of you for free.

Hopefully I didn't use up my supply of RESTRAINT for the day. Or week...


Amy said...

GOOD JOB! I wouldn't have been able to resist. Free food. Free YUMMY food! I would have found a way to justify it. Congrats!

Julie S said...

Believe me--I had about 100 reasons to justify it. Then I said to myself "Good Grief! No wonder you're in trouble. Listen to yourself." And I walked downstairs and got a cup of tea instead.

Emily said...

Woo hoo!! That is so awesome!! I don't know if I would have had that restraint -- more likely I would have had some and then would have skipped something (or several things) nutritious but mildly caloric (e.g., I'd have water instead of milk, when I NEED the milk, not the doughnut!) and been hungry all day as a result. You are great!