Monday, October 22, 2007

Back to the drawing board, part 2

"To get back my youth I would do anything in the world, except take exercise, get up early, or be respectable." Oscar Wilde (who else?)

Katie and I are starting week 2 of the Glucerna diet. Any progress I made last week was gone this morning (I was 228.4). I didn't stick religiously to the diet this weekend - but neither was I grossly excessive. I went to the happy hour on Friday (as I reported) then Saturday night I had dinner at the crop - which was sandwiches and salad from Panera. 1/2 sandwhiches, which I am pretty sure fell well within my alloted calories for the day. Yesterday I had the glucerna breakfast - then a banana and 1 oz gluten free wheat free pretzels (which weren't too bad!) for a morning snack. But since that was at noon-ish I didn't eat lunch. So around 4:30 I had soup - which counted as both lunch and dinner. I don't remember eating anything else yesterday - but I think I must have. I know I was feeling pretty reflux-y last night - so I think I must have eaten SOMETHING that didn't agree with me. I took a nap after I ate my soup, and I went grocery shopping after my nap. Then last night I worked on work stuff and buring A Breath of Snow and Ashes to my iPod - so maybe I DIDN'T eat anything else.

Exercise is going to be my focus this week. I want to go to the gym at least three times between now and Saturday. The only exercise I have done recently was the Walk (stroll) for Autism yesterday. It is billed as a two mile (if you do two laps) walk - but I think it is is pushing it to count it as ONE mile (even as two laps). Lynn Brick came and did the warm up - which was nice - and JUST about my pace (sad to say!) - about 10-15 minutes of squats, arm lifts, lunges, and general wagging of (not just) my fat butt.

The only challenge I see for this week is the birthday party for Mom and Dad on Wednesday. Pecan Pie AND German Chocolate cake all in one place - yeah... Hummmm.


Emily said...

Amy -- I wanted to tell you that King Arthur has 25% off their mixes for the next 3 or 4 days if you buy 10. They have a lot of gluten free ones that look enticing. But they're kind of expensive -- they might be the sort of thing to save for a special occasion, in which case you wouldn't want ten of them!

Amy said...

Thanks Emily!! I will check them out. Gluten free bread mixes at the grocery store aren't cheap either - and there are one to choose from. 8-) I was just thinking this morning that I really HAVE to get back to gluten free - since I am once again very bloated and gassy. (I haven't been watching the gluten on the Glucerna diet since whole wheat bread figures so predominately in the meals.)