Thursday, June 08, 2006


Yesterday was pretty hectic at work. I broke down and ate junk as a result. Breakfast was a nutrigrain bar and some strawberries and watermelon, lunch was a salad, then I had a banana, a peanut bar, some string cheese and gold fish crackers...dinner was chicken and asparagus and french onion potatoes in the oven. Dessert was a LD chocolate cake. Way too much junk yesterday.

I did exercise though--350 calories on the treadmill and a pilates DVD.

I hope work slows down soon. I am not sure I can keep up this pace much longer. Too many maps to deal with for one person.

Does anyone else have trouble sometimes reading the letters in the word verification that was added to the blog? Sometimes I really can't tell what they are.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Yes! I had a post that I had to go through three different verification "words" before I got it right. It is stupid!!!