Thursday, June 01, 2006


I had my ass kicked at the gym yesterday! I mean, I had sweat rolling off of me 10 minutes into my workout. By the end my hair looked like it had just been washed. I was a mess. I had my meeting with my trainer yesterday. Part of what he does is tests weights and exercises on me. He had me doing two different things than involved me hanging by my arms. One was a "push up" where you stand on a horizontal bar and push up with your arms. There is a little bit of resistance on the bar that in theory makes it easier... I couldn't do more than three of those on my own and the third one I almost couldn't make it to where I needed to be to get OFF the machine. I told him I wasn't going to do those on my own - but we could build up to it. (Of course, by the time I did the ones on my own I had done 8 with him "spotting". I don't know how much help he was actually giving me - so, I may have been OK on my own for more than the three...) The next one was where you brace your arms on pads at waist level and your legs dangle free. You have to lift and bend your knees up. That works your abs and makes me kind of seasick. He wouldn't let me out of those... I have to do six sets of five. Ugh. He changed my work out where I am doing one set of 20 reps instead of 2 of 12. It is actually pretty tough. I can usually get to about 15 before my muscles start protesting a lot. Some of them I really couldn't do more than 18. He says this will tone more, and be a better cardio workout. He also has me doing 5-10 minutes cardio to start and end my workout. I am not sure if I am supposed to do this routine EVERY day and skip my cardio days. Before he had me do no cardio with my resistance but 35-45 minutes alternating days with my resistance. I really don't think I could DO the resistance workout again today. My shoulders and legs are killing me!!! OH! THEN! After I had done this tough workout he walked me over to the rowing machine and said to do 5 minutes. I did about 1 minute and told him I would do 2 minutes. I could barely make it!! I used to do the rowing machine all the time at the gym in Littlestown. Of course even then I only did 12 minutes on the rower and then 45 minutes on the track. The rowing machine was great for my shoulders. I have to work on building that up again...

Yesterday food was OK. I had leftover pizza for lunch - the kind with fresh mozerella instead of tons of shreaded cheese. No breakfast... then Katie and I had LD Med. Shrimp with pasta for dinner. We went to Bonefish afterwards and I had a salad. So - I was pretty good for veggies yesterday, but no fruit. I also had a Venti Skim Caramel Mach on my way to the gym. That was Katie's fault. Yum!!!

My weight was 209 each day yesterday and today. So - way better than the weekend - but still up from my last weigh in day. Sigh.

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