Wednesday, June 07, 2006

My scale must be broken

I got on it this morning fully expecting it to be back up over 208 - but I was down to 205.8!! I don't think this means much - but it was a nice change. I haven't been down that low since around my cruise time. Too bad it wasn't weigh in day again.

Last night Katie Charles and I went to Bonefish. We have to cram in as much of our Bonefish time as possible before Katie leaves for Europe. I had a crab cake and salad along with drinks. For lunch yesterday I had my leftovers from Bonefish dinner on Sunday. I had cereal for breakfast and a fruit cup while I was waiting for Katie to get ready to go out last night. Seriously - I can't think of any reason why I should have a weight drop today.

I have a dentist appointment at noon today - ugh. Then I am going to the gym. I haven't been in a week and I really MEAN to be going every other day at least. Sigh.

Did I mention our toilet has been acting up. The upstairs one. It sometimes flushes. I have to plunge it about every other flush. It is very annoying and I wish it would get better.

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