Yesterday I dropped to 207.8 and today I am back up to 208.8.
I did ABSOLUTELY nothing useful yesterday. I had big plans. I was going to clean, go to the gym, do five scrapbook pages, run some errands and then celebrate Charles' birthday. I did the birthday thing and that is it. Oh - and some of the errands on the way to Sarah's house for Charles' birthday.
My food has been OK - but not fabulous. I have no snacks in the house - which is nice because it keeps me from eating everything in sight. Yesterday I had a bowl of cereal and skim milk for breakfast, a crab quesadilla for lunch and then beans and rice at Sarah's for dinner. She also made a fabulous Coffee Cinnamon cheesecake. Oh! So YUMMY! I ate a big fat piece - but that is Sarah's fault because she cut the cake into 8 pieces instead of 12 (or 16 - but I think 12...).
I did no exercise. I sat around and sweated all day. It was weird. I was sweating like it was super hot - but I didn't FEEL hot. You know how it is when you have taken a very hot shower and are still in the bathroom. You don't feel particularly hot - but you are sweating like crazy. That is how it was yesterday. I found out later that it was 93 degrees. It also was enough to keep me from exerting myself at all.
OK, OK, OK, OK... This is the deal. I am going to go to the gym today at 11am. This is so I will be back by the time people want to take their lunches. It will also force me to GO - so I won't keep putting it off. I hope it will work that way. Sigh.
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