Actually today IS a happy weigh in day for me. I was 202.0 this morning! That is 2.8 down from last week. YIPPEEE!!! That is the first substantial weight loss in WEEKS (months maybe...). This morning I really thought I would be up. I was feeling that bloaty feeling that you get when your weight is up. So - maybe that means I am actually LOWER than 202. 8-)
You know - it is like I said on Friday. This is like positive reinforcement for negative behavior. I haven't been to the gym since Friday. I have eaten more pizza than EVER in my entire life. I ate Pop Tarts over the weekend - and last night I woke up at three in the morning - starving - and instead of living off my fat I got up and ate Girl Scout cookies. According to the Body For Life plan you are SUPPOSED to get up and eat in the middle of the night when you wake up feeling hungry. It is supposed to keep your calories evenly supplied (eat every two hours is their plan) and your metabolism working all the time. Well - I know we have established that are metabolisms are working all the time anyway - but it seems to make sense in some way. I don't feel hungry most days, but more often I am waking up hungry. I guess this means I am eating what I need - or less - during the day, and so my body needs refueling at night. Yeah - whatever.
So our next challenge is to think of a food that I can eat in the middle of the night that won't be as bad for me as GS cookies are. I was thinking a hard boiled egg - but I would have to have it peeled and not in the fridge before I go to bed. That is fine - except, how gross is it by morning if I don't get up and eat it? As I said before, in the middle of the night I don't want anything cold or hot. I want room temperature. I don't want anything too dry or liquidy. I am amazingly picky for someone who is mostly asleep. But I think that is the kicker - I don't want anything that will wake me up further. Sigh.
Congratulations on your weight loss!!!! Keep it up and by next week you could be below 200!
I can't imagine wanting anything in the middle of the night. Exhaustion always wins out over other bodily needs for me. But could you keep a single portion of something you like right next to your bed so that if you wake up and are hungry, it's right there? I'm thinking 100 calories of pretzels, one of those 100 calorie packs of cookies, etc. Even Girl Scout cookies--if you put out a single serving when you go to bed and they are right there, you can't overindulge. And a glass of water of course--make yourself drink the water along with the snack to help fill you up.
I have the Girl Scout Cookies in single serving snack bags - which is what I will eat middle of the night - so it isn't HORRIBLE. I also always START with water. I usually wake up very thirsty - at least in the winter. So I start by drinking water, going to the bathroom and THEN getting something to eat. I am afraid if I keep something upstairs I will eat it before I fall asleep - or as soon as I wake up, instead of trying to hold off the inevidable.
Amy, that is awesome weight loss!!! Way to go!
I'll have to think about the snacks -- I agree that you should keep something next to your bed so you don't end up bingeing. I can't think of anything much that would appeal to me late at night! Like Sarah, I'm too exhausted to consider getting out of bed for any reason -- I've been known to stay in bed despite a near-exploding bladder just because I can't stand the thought of moving!
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