Thursday, February 02, 2006

My Day Yesterday

I am with Sarah - I need a do-over. I didn't pack my lunch on Tuesday night, so I was unprepared for food - then I was craving protein all day. I had a microwaved egg on whole grain toast with reduced fat swiss cheese (a VERY skinny slice) for breakfast - along with day old coffee and skim milk. For a mid day snack I had a serving of pistachio nuts (1/2 cup in their shells - about 50 nuts). Then for lunch (at about 3pm) I had grilled flank steak with spinach. The flank steak was very fatty - I cut what I thought was all of it off, but my first bite was ALL fat. Instead of spitting it out I swallowed it whole. I told Sarah that I think I have this bizarre idea that if I don't EAT it (as in chew) my body doesn't get it. Next time I will spit. Then I fell asleep.

I was having an incredibly sluggish day yesterday - which I guess wasn't a big surprise considering I had been up during the night. I could NOT get myself together to go to the gym. I decided to do a video, but I failed in that too. Sigh - so - fat for lunch AND no exercise. I realized I hadn't had any fruit and so I ate a 1/2 cup of pears. They were yummy, but then I AM a fruit fan. I went to Sarah's to pick up the fund raiser pizzas and pretzels that Katie and I ordered. For dinner we (Katie and I) each had a french bread pizza. Calories were 360 for her and 430 for me (or something like that). Again - very fatty. I have to total my calories - but I don't think it was good. I was worried from breakfast on (although breakfast was only 190, not counting the coffee, I did do the math on that...)

My weight this morning was 204.6 - up a little from yesterday. Sarah has this DISGUSTING website for some colon cleansing thing - really disgusting - Sarah, you should post it. Anyway, we got to talking about bowels (like you do) and I remembered that I bought a colon cleansing vitamin from Arbonne in the fall. I know I joke about bulemia - but I always DO weigh less when I have purged, which I don't think I do as consistantly as normal people. So - I think I am going to dig those vitamins out and give them a try. I will not post pictures of the results. 8-)

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