Friday, February 03, 2006

Bad Eating yesterday

But bad as in not enough - not too much. I ate breakfast as usual (Lucky Charms, skim milk and coffee) then later in the day I drank my V-8. I ate my PB&P sandwich at about 2pm and then nothing else for the rest of the day. Granted - my whole eating schedule was off by a couple of hours, but REALLY I would think I would have done better than that.

Starting at about 3:00 I began saying I was off to the gym - I didn't actually make it until 6:45ish. Then I wasn't in the mood to go back to work to pack boxes - so I went home (about 8pm or so). Katie and I (as I mentioned) got sushi last night - and we actually didn't eat it all... which I think is a first. However I woke up at 3:23am with my stomach growling. Actually the empty stomach woke me up. This is good in that my metabolism was obviously working, but bad because it woke me up - and my food choices aren't always the best in the wee hours. I tried to ignore it... really I did - but I wasn't falling back to sleep. I then tried to find food that wasn't horrible. I failed. V-8 wasn't appealing, we are getting low on fruit so I didn't want to eat our supply. I didn't really even want something hot or cold - I wanted neutral. Now - in the light of day I realize I could have had... you know, I can't think of anything even now that would have suited. I ended up with A SINGLE SERVING of cafe cookies. Actually, not even a whole serving - 4 cookies. That is lower in calories than a bowl of cereal would have been - and not as messy. I don't know why I am feeling so guilty about this. I didn't have a heavy calorie day yesterday. I didn't have any evening snacks last night. I would think it is BETTER to have eaten what I would normally have eaten during the evening, at a time when my body was asking for more calories.

Anyway - my team is having a potluck today. I just ate left over sushi so I won't be tempted to eat their food. I contributed veggies and dip and whole wheat flat bread. Hummmm.

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