I had a PMS-induced feeding frenzy this weekend. I was munchy all Friday evening (can't remember what I had; not too much, I think, because there wasn't much around, but I know I kept wanting pretzles and goldfish crackers). On Saturday, I was well behaved all morning--hard boiled egg and toast for breakfast, turkey and lettuce on pumpernickel for lunch, and then I went and bought Valentine's Day candy and ever since then, it's been all downhill. I was reasonable with it on Saturday (I think I had one normal serving size and two half-servings, for a total of about 200 calories of candy) but on Sunday I put it in a centerpiece and snacked all day on candy. Sure was good, though! On Saturday night we had tacos for dinner--I had one large one, heavy on the veggies and light on the cheese, but I did add some sour cream. On Sunday I had a French bread pizza for lunch and stir fried chicken and vegetables for dinner. I didn't drink much water at all, didn't have any fruit, and the only exercise I got was a two mile walk on Sunday (in the snow--it was really pretty) and a bunch of abs exercises while watching the Olympics in the afternoon. This morning I weighed 137! That's quite a jump from 135.8! I'm hoping it's just water retention from my period, but we'll see over the next couple of days. I know at least some of it is from too much candy.
Today I'm giving myself a challenge to stay away from refined sugar for the day. I had Splenda in my coffee (I should have skipped it entirely--unsweetened coffee is better than Splenda!), egg, toast, and fruit for breakfast, almonds for snack a bit ago. I have an apple and string cheese for snack later and have to go find something for lunch. I had a lunch meeting scheduled but it got cancelled so now I have no food. I'll probably go get a salad from the cafeteria, and see what they have in the way of soup. It seems like a good day for soup. The real trick will be to avoid the candy at home tonight.
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