Sunday, September 11, 2005

So, Mom, what's it like to be the skinny one?

To recap my week: I weighed in at 157 at the start of the week, the highest I've been ever when not pregnant. I think I even weighed less than that just after giving birth to Connor. My initial goal is to get down to 140, which is where I was after doing Body for Life three years ago (their plan: eat less, exercise more. What a concept!). Ideally I'd like to get into the 130-135 range, which is where I was when I got married. At that point I was running or doing an aerobics/step workout video daily and not worrying too much about what I ate.

Reducing my intake hasn't been difficult this week--I've been averaging about 1300 to 1400 calories daily--but exercise is a real problem. Today my exercise consisted of jumping on the trampoline with the kids for a while, which really isn't that much exercise unless you keep it up for a long time. Unlike the rest of you all, I haven't been weighing myself daily. I don't like seeing the natural up-and-down fluctuation and wondering if I'm being successful or if it's just a fluke. So you will just have to hold your breath until I weigh in again on Tuesday.

For the record, I think being home makes it much more difficult to watch what you're eating. There really aren't many goodies running around in any office I've ever been in, and if you do indulge in anything, you think that everyone is watching you! Plus when you're at work, you're less likely to indulge in eating out of boredom, or one of my downfalls--finishing up what the kids leave behind (you only want to eat the top of that cupcake? Aren't you going to finish your waffle?).

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