Welcome, Julie! Sorry to be slow to say that -- yesterday was so crazy I didn't get online for most of the day.
I say I should drink more water because I know I'm not being as good as I can in other areas, but I also know it's always been easier for me to diet when I'm hydrated. I don't get as many cravings, but when my mind is saying "food" it's hard for me to overrule with "you wouldn't be thinking that if you were drinking water!"
Yesterday I had my normal breakfast of cereal, skim milk, and OJ. For lunch I had a turkey sandwich with provolone and lettuce on white bread (I need to stop with the cheese and drink a glass of milk or have some fat-free yogurt instead!). I had an afternoon snack of a peach, and then for dinner I had a slice of pizza (just one!) and a glass of milk. So far not too bad. And then I had a half cup of homemade ice cream and a beer. Geez, Louise! I had only had four servings of grains and the beer can count in that group, but it's a little short on nutrition.
Today I'm doing about the same -- normal breakfast, macaroni and cheese for lunch (I am so sick of it, but the kids request it every day, and I give in every other day. I don't like to waste it and it doesn't reheat well, so I'm just measuring my portion and NOT spending the afternoon eating the leftovers straight from the pan) and a snack of raisins. It's probably not enough food for this point in the day -- it's really, really hard to remember to eat when I'm working -- but I am bound and determined not to stuff myself from here on out.
I'm a bit chagrined that I'm only down a pound (half of which came back this morning!) when the rest of you seem to be doing better, but I have to remind myself that my true starting weight probably wasn't 173.5 but more like 174.5 or 175.0, since that's what I saw more often before this diet started.
I don't have exercise plans yet today -- I took yesterday off on purpose but was planning to get a workout today, only I'm still quite sore from Monday. (Which is weird, since I was more tired during the cycling class on Saturday -- I felt pretty good during BodyPump on Monday!) So I don't know if I'm up to anything. Maybe just a walk on the treadmill or some time on the cycle?
I think I'll go get some water and think about it some more!
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