Yesterday when I vacuumed, I knocked the switch off my scales, and put it back in. I have done that a number of times and it worked, but this morning it wouldn't go on for either Dad or me. So I couldn't do weigh-in, after all my hard work yesterday!
Today I had too big a bowl of granola for breakfast, and then I spent the morning first sitting in a doctor's office with Dad, and then driving all the way to the Eastern Landfill to dump some asbestos shingles, so I didn't burn off much of anything. After lunch we went shopping at Sam's, and I ate a bite of a pocket thing and a bite of sausage, neither one of which was good for a diet! Then we went to Target and bought a new scale, so can I weigh in tomorrow instead?
I haven't done anything with the graphs Amy sent because I don't know how they work.
Now I am tired and have to do some cleaning. Tomorrow will be just as bad. Dad has an appointment for a stress test clear out on Liberty Road at 8:45, then we have to go to the bank. At two p.m. a lady is coming by about an annuity we were about to set up the day after he had his heart attack, so it will be late again when I get going on my housework. I miss the days when I could stay home all day every day for a week!
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