Sunday, September 11, 2005

I really need to start taking this seriously. I'm not doing very well at eating less or eating healthier! Time to re-state my goals (I think it's good for us to get them noted on the blog anyway) and to give myself a good frowning. >:-| There.

As of Tuesday morning I weighed 173.5 pounds (the low end of my fluctuations, which was better than I was expecting -- on the Friday before I'd been 176, the upper end of my fluctuations). I weighed 162.5 when I got pregnant with Cecilia, so by eating better, mainly by eating moderate portions, and by getting some regular exercise, I want to get back to the pre-pregnancy weight by Thanksgiving, because if I'm still fat then I have no hope of surviving the holidays and still fitting into my clothes. My long-term goal is to get out of the "overweight" BMI range (the upper limit on that is 154) and my dream goal is to get to 135, which is where I was when I got married. 135 would put me smack in the middle of a healthy weight range for my height.

I'm not doing all that well for this week -- I did see 172.0 this week, two days in a row, but today it was 173, and I know why. Yesterday, despite my wonderful trip to the gym (which nutritiondata says burned 534 calories), I ate very badly. I didn't have breakfast, and then after exercising I had two slushie things (probably not very caloric) and a (small but very caloric) raspberry-custard croissant, and a couple of bites of an energy bar (they were giving them away for free!) but I thought it was gross even though it was chocolate, so I gave most of it to Mary (she needs the calories anyway). Then I didn't eat anything for several hours and I can't even recall if I ate a proper lunch -- I had a banana but I don't think I ate much else. Then I went to a cookout party and completely ignored my diet! I ate a cheeseburger (with lettuce, as if that would somehow cancel out the calories), a handful of pretzels, a large-ish chocolate chip cookie, and some ice cream/cookie crumbs dessert that was really good but completely unhealthy. Oh, I did have a slice of watermelon, so at least I had enough fruit yesterday total. After the cookout we came home and I let Daniel give me a beer and I didn't protest when he poured me a glass of port later on! AND I ate chips and salsa again, and I wasn't nearly as careful as I've been over the previous week about controling portions -- I was very hungry, probably because I'd been so uneven all day. Sigh. So I had about a zillion calories, most of them after 4 pm, and most of them devoid of nutrition.

I can't even say I'm doing better today -- we have waffles and bacon every Sunday and I told myself when I weighed in that I'd eat only one waffle and one piece of bacon, but I ate two and three, respectively. Very caloric and not very nutritious -- I wonder if I could talk Daniel into putting a bit of whole wheat flour in the waffles starting next week? Anyway, if I want to be back to 172 or even lower by Tuesday, I'm going to have to eat well for the next 48 hours.

I was very psyched to see that 534 on nutrition data, though -- makes me want to go work out again!

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