Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Same stuff - over eating, under exercising

Once again I have to ask why it is that it will take me ALL SUMMER to lose 9 pounds, but then just two weeks to gain them back. OK, well I have only gained six of them back - but still. It is true, you can't slack even ONE DAY (or weekend as the case may be) on eating or it all catches up with you!!

I spent the weekend eating the left overs from the knitting book club party on Friday night. We did a back to school theme, so we had big M&M cookies, apple cake, peanut butter and jelly (a big hit!), fritos and cheese puff balls. I did minimal exercise (walked to and from church on Sunday). I did three loads of laundry and began the packing process for my cruise. So, I guess it isn't a SURPRISE that I gained weight (I also think some of it is pre-period weight gain... my boobies are weighing me down today).

I am VERY behind on my walking 500 miles in a year. I figure I need to walk about 9.62 miles per week. Last week I was 4 miles short. This week I was 7.62 miles short! My weeks start on Tuesday. I can, theoretically get some walking in today, but I have to finish my packing and clean out my car tonight.

The ship we are going to be on has a walk around one of the decks. It isn't a complete circuit, but it is close. I think, in fact, that it is the deck we are on. I am not sure how long of a walk it is - but I am planning on walking it daily, if possible.

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