Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Quantum mechanics and weight gain

Fatty (the Fat Cyclist) weighs in. Literally. The bit about justifying how his real weight is actually much lower than the weight on the scale made me laugh.


Emily said...

169 pound (on a guy!!) and he's FAT? Geez. I've got news for him!

But I was LOL through most of the post and kept reading bits to Daniel. TOO much of this sounded familiar to me!

Sarah said...

He used to actually be fat, years and years ago when he started the blog. He became minorly famous at that point (he's a really good writer), then a lot of people started following when his blog became more about his wife's battle with cancer. She died last year, at roughly the same time that he was becoming the top fundraiser on the Livestrong circuit, and "Team Fatty" is now a pretty common jersey to see on cyclists. He still keeps the clydesdale logo on the shirts (that a racing division for large men; in women it's called Athena) even though he hasn't been a clydesdale for years.

Emily said...

Yes, I went way back on his posts and found where he weighed 189, and he's only about 5'8". So, yeah, that's too heavy. I had a good time reading his archives! Today I'm getting malware warnings from his site, though; I read the details and decided it was worth the risk, but I had to click three times for every link to get my browser to go there. (Are you SURE? Geez, how stupid ARE you?)