Like Emily, I always think of Labor Day as our anniversary. I get a bit depressed when I think of how long we've been doing this and how little difference I really see. My weight this morning was 146.8--pretty much the same place it has been, since, like, forever, and only 10 pounds down from where I started. It's really 10 pounds up from where I'd like to be (in the 135 - 140 range) and all of those pounds seem to be on my stomach. While 146 might be a perfectly healthy weight for someone my height (a BMI of 23.7), having the excess weight around my middle isn't healthy and I need to work at it. Really work at it, and not just pretend to as I've been doing. And that, of course, means eating less. I hate that part.
My exercise, surprisingly, has been pretty good the past couple of weeks. After the triathlon last year I turned into a slug for a while. This year I'm making myself exercise regularly, but I'm trying to make it fun. So I've only gone running outside once, on the treadmill once (I had forgotten how much easier that is!), used the elliptical once, went kayaking (hardly exercise--more just toodling around the lake for an hour trying to keep Claire from running aground), walked around the neighborhood, cycled to Ellicott City and back (to take pictures of red things; I need to upload them), and went for a nice long hike yesterday at the state park (dragged Claire along--it was 7.5 hilly miles, but I wanted to see if it was doable for a non-athletic kid her age since I want to make the scout troop do this same hike. I was looking for challenging but not impossible--I think we hit it). Looking at this list I'm realizing that in two weeks I haven't done the same activity twice, which helps with avoiding boredom!
So today I'm back to counting calories and being honest with myself with what I eat. I wonder why it is that I'd prefer to work out for four hours on a Saturday and really burn lots of calories rather than just cut back a little every day on what I eat? I think I'm just better at excess than moderation.
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