Monday, March 08, 2010

Water back on - sort of

I did probably even less than Sarah did yesterday. On Saturday I managed to lose the whole day. I am not sure how that happened. I did get home very late on Friday night from work (like 10pm - I have no life!). So that put me to bed late. I didn't sleep particularly late Saturday morning - but I didn't have a lot of energy. That was the first day with no water - and so I never made any coffee - and THAT kept me dragging too. I don't even think I got out of my PJs all day - and I know I didn't eat a single meal. I was very thirsty (psychological I think) and drank TWO big glasses of OJ. I snacked on pistachio nuts - and that, honestly, is all I remember for the day. Oh - I had a banana. I then went to bed very late (1:30am or so) and had to get up by 7:30am to get dressed for the Servpro people - who arrived at 9:30am - and I sent away at 9:33am. I wasn't prepared or expecting them to tear out the walls THAT day. I thought they were just going to do an estimate.

But I was dressed.

I then made several trips with buckets of snow to melt to flush the toilets. Katie did several loads too. It takes a fair amount of snow to flush the toilets. And a long time to melt it.

I then went to Mom and Dad's to take a shower. Thank goodness. I was getting ripe.

Church was short since they had no water either. We were home by 5:50pm. This was good because last night was my first official night of going to bed at 10:30pm. I did OK. I was IN bed by 10:27. I read for a little bit - but turned off my light a11:53pm. I will get better - I hope. However, I didn't feel any more rested today than normal. OTOH, I don't remember waking up during the night, and I began my morning waking up at about 6am - as opposed to my normal 5am. So...

1 comment:

Amy said...

OH - The water sort of came back on this morning around 6:45am. However, there was very low pressure - so it was almost as bad as no water.