Saturday, March 27, 2010

"Long" run, week 1

Two days a week I'm supposed to run 30 minutes, whatever distance that might be. I counted some of my regular gym time as the first run this week, and then I did a treadmill run for the next 30 minute run. Then on weekends I'm supposed to go on a long run -- this week it's only 3 miles, but it will go up fairly quickly -- next week 4, then 5, then a week with a time trial (so only 2.5), then 6, and after that it alternates longer and shorter until they get VERY long. Each longer run adds a mile, then a mile and a half, then two towards the end. (Following all this? Don't worry; I just put it on a calendar and will do what the calendar tells me.) The big numbers look kind of scary now. Anything beyond 5 looks a little scary, actually.

Anyway, I did the run/walk routine on today's 3 mile run, and I found I really liked it for a road run. On the treadmill it was unnatural, because I'm already forced into a particular pace by the machine, and changing the pace is meant to be a gradual process, not a quick recovery/acceleration. My first walk came only 3 minutes into it -- long enough to be bored but too short to be settled into a pace. So that left me eager to get running again. All the other walks felt just right -- I had been running long enough that my heart rate was up and I was getting a little tired, but I never felt exhausted. I was amazed to discover during the third mile that my pace had spiked up to over 9 mph on a flat stretch! I'm still not convinced that wasn't a quirk of the GPS, especially since I didn't feel very fast, but I covered the whole 3 miles at an average of 6 mph, including the walks -- which means my runs were a bit faster than usual and my walks not as slow as they felt. Normally I finish 3 miles in about 30 minutes when I've been jogging the whole way.

I don't mean to bore you all with numbers and my pathetic running statistics -- I promise not to do this every week! I just hope I can keep feeling this enthusiastic when I'm having to go out and run 12 or 14 miles and I've already been at it for three months.


Julie S said...

The run/walk really works. When my feet were functioning enough that I could actually run, that was the approach I was taking for exactly the reasons you describe. Ugh. I really need to find a better foot doctor. All this talk of running as me itching. But man, I SO regret it the morning after even the slightest jog.

Amy said...

I like the numbers! I find them interesting!