Seriously. I got up, weighed myself and got the 148.4 weight (yay! A pound and a half down from last week!), then did yoga, then weighed myself again with the scale in a different spot and got the 150.2 weight, didn't believe that, so turned it back to where it had been and got 148.6. So apparently yoga makes me gain weight and pilates makes me lose weight (based on what happened last week when I weighed in before and after pilates in the morning) and the floor in my bathroom makes my weight go all over the place.
My cold seems a bit better this morning--my throat isn't nearly so sore, but I'm all lightheaded and dizzy. I'm blaming that on Connor, though, who got up at 4:30 this morning. Being sleepy makes me lightheaded. It's free pastry day at Starbucks, and I'm seriously tempted. I was going to get a coffee anyway, and who can pass up a free pastry? And I can get a non-sweet one so I wouldn't be breaking my Lenten promise, right? Someone stop me before I cave in.
I ended up on the elliptical machine at the gym yesterday, just to see what would happen to my back. In the fall, the elliptical was the most painful machine for me, but I was having a "good back" day yesterday (I was in serious pain after the stream clean up, but I diligently did my stretching and had Brian try to pound the bone back in place, and I woke up pain free! Well, mostly. I'm never entirely pain free, but this was pretty close) and wanted to see if it would stay that way. It did! I had to adjust my posture a bit and make sure to stay very upright (no cheating by leaning into the hand supports) but I didn't hurt any more afterwards than before, so there's a bit of progress.
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