What an insane weekend. 12 loads of laundry (13 if you count the trip Brian made to the laundramat to wash our comforter--Connor's goal on Friday was to destroy as many beds as possible, so he coughed until he threw up on my bed twice and on his bed once. Because he couldn't hit Claire's bed, he instead spent the weekend dismantling the whole bed multiple times), two Girl Scout events, and a crazy amount of house cleaning. I've got a group of scouts coming to my house tonight to work on their Bronze Award and I didn't want them (or their parents) to see what a truly disorganized person I am, so between events and loads of laundry I cleaned and cleaned and cleaned.
I hadn't intended on really cleaning Claire's room, but while putting her box spring back on the frame last night (when I say Connor dismantled the bed, I mean it) I saw the filth under the bed. You know how cleaning tends to escalate? That's what happened at 9:00 last night. I started with under her bed, then branched out the areas around it, then ended up cleaning the whole room. We got rid of a bunch of the toys she no longer plays with so now she has room for a desk, which we've talked about getting her for a while. It looks great in there, but it means I didn't start on the family room until 10:30. When I finished that up at midnight, I went to the kitchen to make lunches. In that process, guess what I found? Mouse droppings on our counter! Bleah!! So then ensued a thorough disinfection of the kitchen and setting a trap for the little bugger. Gross. I finally got to bed at 2:30 and changed the alarm from 5:30 to 6:00. Like that'll make such a huge difference.
But we caught the stupid mouse. I used one of the Mice Cube live traps baited with a piece of Claire's leftover sandwich from Friday that I found in her lunchbox. Poor little critter got all the way in the trap and then decided that he doesn't like soynut butter and jelly sandwiches either. The bait looked untouched and the mouse looked miserable, but I sent him away with Brian for a trip to Linthicum, where I'm told that mice live long and happy lives.
Then while getting Connor into his coat to leave, I spilled his whole bowl of dry cereal all over the family room floor. I left it there for Davey to clean up. Or for the family of now orphaned mice probably living in our walls. They'll have their chance with the Mice Cube tonight.
Speaking of Davey, I must have the stupidest dog in the world. He never let on by his behavior of keen sense of smell that we had mice, and even with the mouse trapped and sitting in my kitchen all night, he never alerted us. But once I moved the mouse in its trap outside onto the porch THEN he saw it out the window and went nuts! He figures anything in our house is o.k. but something (or someone) on the porch is clearly a threat to our well being.
BTW, I realize none of this has anything to do with eating well or with weight loss, except to serve as an overly long explanation for why I didn't exercise this morning. For the record, I had lasagna for dinner last night. It was cheesy and delicious, but certainly not good for my diet. I had yogurt for breakfast to make up for it.
Wow! Your weekend makes mine look like a trip to the spa. How'd the meeting with the Girl Scout go - and did Davey actually take care of the cereal for you?
The Girl Scout meeting went fine, although I had MORE girls show up than I expected--everyone who was at our original meeting plus a couple more. Normally we have several no-shows for anything, so this surprised me.
And Davey (or perhaps a fat, happy mouse) took care of the cereal for me. Dogs are handy that way.
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