Friday, March 19, 2010


(And not as in chicken.) I have had TONS of energy the last two days, and I'm not sure why. I got two long nights of sleep earlier this week, but then on the third night (the night before last) I went to bed and stared at the ceiling for the better part of two hours, so in the end I had a short night. I should have dragged all day yesterday. But the weather was gorgeous, and I went to the gym (I left it too late to cancel -- I would have LOVED to spend time outside instead -- but I got a better workout anyway) and felt totally turbo-charged during the step class. Even before the gym trip I was motivated; I did some cleanup in the yard and put the sleds and Christmas tree stand away and took down the baby swing and hung up the trapeze bar (the only reason we left the baby swing up until now was that before we moved to Norway our neighbors had a baby, and we thought they'd want it, and then last fall there was too much else to do to worry about it). And I vacuumed and swept and mopped. And when I got home I cooked salmon on the grill and it was perfect. I am superwoman.

Today it is again gorgeous and I am again motivated. I've cleaned out the whole corner cabinet that I've been avoiding all year -- moth bits kept showing up in containers and I knew I needed to scour it in case they were wintering over there. Now I'm taking the kids out to look for Easter clothes and more birdfeeders -- we've had such a good turnout at our all-purpose feeder that we're wanting to get a hummingbird feeder for the summer and we'd like a finch feeder to encourage the purple finches we saw yesterday to come back. Which means more playing outside when we come back with the feeders. Yay! I'm tempted to buy paint while I'm out since I'm so enthused -- I wonder how many rooms I could get done before I burn out? We'd like to put the house on the market (someday...?) and three downstairs rooms and the upstairs/stairs hallway will need doing first, and we might as well enjoy them being done for a while first.

This evening I have a Girl Scout sleepover (at the other leader's house), on the heels of piano lessons for the kids, so from 3:45 on my day is shot. And tomorrow Mary has a piano lesson right after the sleepover, so I can't start tomorrow until after lunchtime. But the weather's supposed to be good again -- maybe that will keep me going.

My eating has been pretty good this week -- I went over on calories on Wednesday (the Murphy's and the Irish soda bread are to blame) but had trouble even getting to my minimum yesterday, so it evens out. My weight dropped again by Wednesday, too; I was just retaining PMS water on Tuesday, I suspect.


Sarah said...

You wanna come over and paint my fence? Brian and I have said that we're never going to sell the house because it would be too much work to get it into sale-able shape, and we're too lazy for that! We'll die here and Claire will spend a year digging the place out and cleaning it, cursing us for sticking her with this mess. Serves her right. She's the source of a lot of the mess!

Emily said...

I started a list of things that would need to be done and it got to be three pages long before I even finished the downstairs. The basement is going to be a major deal, since I haven't finished the cleanup of that from LAST year! I've told Daniel it would be easier and cheaper to stay here -- add a room on the back so we have space for a full-size piano and finish the basement so we have space for a schoolroom, then move Alexander down to the current schoolroom (it hasn't been an "office" in years -- I'd love to move my mess out of the kitchen!). Nothing to it. Only Daniel doesn't like the neighborhood (me either, but I put up with a lot more than he does), so he's bound and determined to move!

Emily said...

And, no, thanks, I don't think I'll paint your fence! I've decided we're going to use the Virginia Tech volunteer day to get people to do our shed out back, which is getting to be more unpainted than painted. They work for free! I wonder if they're willing to go as far as Maryland?