Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I think I stink

Why isn't one day of good solid exercise enough for the week? I love my Wednesday routine... Walk to church and back, followed immediately by a 90 minute yoga class, come home and weed and clean until I am bored with that. (Today I had a conference call meeting - better than wasting gas to go in for this meeting - so I was doing my cleaning one handed.) By the end of the day I am nicely tired and (today) stinky (another good reason not to have gone IN for my meeting!).

Having Wednesdays off is GREAT for a day like this - but the downside of it is the long work days otherwise. Since Katie is now out of school, her being home in the evenings to cook dinner for us is more hit or miss. So, I am less inclined to actually LEAVE work at 7 - so frequently I am getting home 8:30pm or later - and that is NOT conducive to doing anything other than sitting and staring. Lately I am too tired at night to even read. It takes me several days to read a book that would previously have only taken one or two nights. Maybe, is it possible? I am getting old. I was thinking this morning however, of digging out my 10-minute wonder exercise videos. That is what I was doing daily when I was losing weight in the beginning. I know 10 minutes isn't much - but it is better than nothing.

Today I signed up for the next session of yoga. It works in 4 sessions during the year. The past one that I just completed was 13 weeks I think - but I only joined for the last 5 weeks. This coming one is just 10 weeks since there is the 4th of July holiday and the instructor is on vacation the week after that. I am really looking forward to doing the session from the beginning to see how he builds it up. I am hoping that Katie joins up with me for this session. So, it doesn't start for two weeks. I have to come up with something else to do on Wednesdays for the next two weeks. Maybe I will actually GO to the GYM and USE the POOL!!

My food has been bad. Not what I am eating - but more the NOT eating anything. Sunday I didn't eat at all until late in the afternoon. I have managed to eat breakfast most mornings since Katie hasn't been cooking for me - but it is hard. It is so easy to just skip eating and figure I will grab something later (which I never do). Sigh.

1 comment:

Emily said...

I know what you mean about exercise -- it would be so much easier to cram in one solid day of activity and ride on that for a full week! Sigh. I think the 10-minute videos are a great idea -- something short like that is a great pick-me-up and it gets your blood flowing for a while afterwards. And if you're inspired by the first you can always do two or three videos, and just like that you're up to a full exercise session; or if you're not inspired, you've still done the good of the 10 minutes.

I once read an article in which a nutritionist told her client that her goal was to put on her exercise clothes the next day. She didn't have to exercise; she just had to wear the outfit. But, as expected, the woman felt like such an idiot wearing exercise clothes for no reason that she ended up exercising. This is TOTALLY me -- getting psyched up to do it is so much more work than actually working out. So I'd end up doing three videos as often as not, I suspect. Like when I put on the Walk videos -- I never end up doing the 15-minute video unless I'm totally exhausted, and then I at least do the power video, not just the one-mile walk.

Good for you on the yoga! I'm glad you're enjoying it!