Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Other than that surprising dip to 138.5 last week, my weight has hovered around or just above 140.  I haven't been getting any real exercise, and yesterday my step count on my pedometer was the lowest I've seen in a month or more.  It was so bad that even though the house was approaching 80 degrees I was cold.  I finally went outside and walked around a bit, filled up the birdfeeder, and helped Mary learn how to do cartwheels (not that I could ever do them).  So I tacked on 1000 steps that way, but my count still wound up dangerously low.  Now I am FINALLY going to call the gym -- I haven't been there since before Tuscaloosa, which was over a month ago.  I've had other exercise, of course, but nothing really rigorous.  I only wish I could figure out a way to get the kids and me there on our bikes -- maybe we'll just try it one day and see how they do.

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