Monday, November 05, 2007

Where is everybody?

I took it fairly easy over the weekend, trying to keep my calories low. On Saturday I cleaned house for several hours in a row, which has to count for something, but it wasn't serious exercise. And yesterday I paid bills, which was decidedly sedentary -- though I helped Daniel drag the rugs in and out of the garage, but that still wasn't much. Daniel did all the real labor yesterday, cleaning out over six years of acquired junk and dust, not to mention some garden supplies (like slug repellent) from the previous owners!

Today I'm trying to get back on the wagon. I exercised as usual at the gym; I had myself all psyched up to do the elliptical but then only the machines with the ski poles were open, and I hate those because the feel so unnatural. So I did the bike as usual. But it was a solid workout and I'm hoping finally to see a drop tomorrow. My weight has been moving very, very slowly. I've had trouble staying out of the candy corn the last three days, but it's been replacing healthy calories. :-(

I returned the new scale to the store. It was at best four pounds lower than the lowest reading on the scale I have, and while my scale may sometimes be flaky it has been consistently close to the doctor's office readings for the last twelve years or so, so I don't trust the self-calibration the new scale did. It also gave me a different calibration when I reset it after the first time. I don't need another flaky scale. And it was an inch too wide for the spot in our bathroom where we keep the old one, and there isn't another spot because the whole bathroom is about five square feet. Oh, well. I may try another in a different brand. And size.

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