Monday, November 12, 2007

Hanging onto the wagon by my toenails

I have been just horrible lately - but my daily planned meals for the last week or two haven't been bad. My weight this morning was an alarming 227.2 - but that is probably driven by the HORRIBLE hotel eating I have been doing all this week.

Tuesday 11/6 I had a seminar that included a boxed lunch - which wasn't that far off of what my planned lunch for the day was. The potato chips weren't part of my plan - but I ate them anyway. Wednesday I ate breakfast - but nothing else until dinner. BAD! Thursday I think I was good all day, but I really can't remember Thursday at this time. Friday breakfast was fine, Lunch was at another seminar I had to attend. I actually did really well there - I had about two bites of disgusting mac and cheese, a few bites of potatoes, green salad, with tomatos and "fresh" mozzerella, and a small piece of salmon. I didn't have dessert. Then that night was Susie's rehearsal dinner. I had the chicken with crab and a sherry sauce. It had vegetables and potatoes on the side. I ate about half of everything - and then had the rest for lunch on Saturday. Saturday night was the wedding. That was normal buffet food - beef, chicken and fish - wedding cake for dessert - which I ate for breakfast on Sunday.

Sunday was a day of a whole lot of laziness and junk food. I cut loose and ate Samoas. I had soup for lunch and I have no memory of dinner - but I was hitting the leftover Halloween candy hard. I got NO exercise. I walked about 1500 steps TOTAL all day. I took several naps and inbetween naps read a no brainer romance novel and edited wedding photos. It was an absolutely wasted day - and I was delighted to have it!

Today I am back on the wagon - so far. Days are easy for me with our planned and prepared meals. We had poached egg on toast with orange juice for breakfast, applesauce with a graham cracker for a snack, chicken rice soup with triskets for lunch, cottage cheese with salsa with tortilla chips to dip for another snack and we are having raspberry mango chicken with rice for dinner. I had a mini butterfinger here at work. Most of the good candy is gone at home - so I should be good to go for the rest of the night. I am, however, going grocery shopping after work - so I probably won't go to the gym. Sigh. I have to get back into that habit!!!!

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