Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Hooray! It has been hovering around 146 all week despite how good I've been, and yesterday it just barely dipped to 145.5, but I drank water like mad all day yesterday and it paid off. Woo hoo! Of course this means it will be all but impossible to see a drop next week but it's nice to know all this effort has done some good.

Today I have my usual gym appointment and I'll be trying to eat well. The candy corn is all gone now, and the other candy in the house that's not in the kids' bags is in sealed packages twisted into a grocery bag in the closet, so that might be enough willpower, right? Or should I just open it up and call in the birds?

1 comment:

Amy said...

That's AWESOME Emily! I am so glad your efforts have panned out.