So -- still below 150 and still not very good. Yesterday I went to the gym and did 40 minutes on the bike and usual VKRs and a half-hearted upper body workout. I so wasn't in the mood to exercise yesterday. And it was so gorgeous outside -- it was very dull inside that smelly gym. But outside I don't have childcare (and I don't have reservations to MAKE me exercise).
I'm upping my workouts to four a week. Mary has so much going on on Wednesdays that the MWF plan isn't going to work, so I've added Tuesdays and Thursdays instead of Wednesdays so now I'll get four workouts a week. This week I still have a Wednesday one, though.
My eating has been pretty good -- the perfect-day thing trickles down a bit, like with Amy warming up a day in advance, and after my failed day I made myself be good the next day, which meant yesterday I was coming off two days of dieting and I was still sort of in the diet mentality. And I am today, too. Tomorrow it's back to being my day again, I think. We've all missed a day somewhere so it's hard to tell whether we should be shifting by a day or whether we should stick to the days that we would have had in the original rotation. But I'm planning on being good tomorrow.
Speak for yourself! I haven't missed any days yet of my "perfect" days--I was "on" for last Wednesday and again Sunday according to the rotation Amy made up. I think if any of us cheat on our perfect days, it's up to that person to make it up the next day while the person "on" for that day continues as planned. That's a lot easier than redoing the rotation each time one of us needs a do-over.
The trickle down effect is definitely there--for me, it's all about habits. If I get in the habit of getting a candy bar for the kids AND myself when we're at the grocery store, then it takes a lot of effort to NOT do that, but once I've changed that habit, it's pretty easy to stick with it. Same thing with nighttime eating (my other weakness)--if I can just STOP doing that for a few days, it becomes easier so that eventually I don't even consider snacking in the evening.
Oh! That's right -- you had aimed for perfection on Tuesday (or was it Monday? Ancient history) but then Amy assigned you Wednesday so Tuesday didn't count. I was confrused. Sorry!! Yes, you've been great!
I am confused now... I don't guess it matters what day we do as our perfects. I was thinking TODAY was supposed to be my day - but I guess it should have been yesterday. Well - except for the exercise thing I was pretty perfect yesterday. Today I am doing OK too... So I guess it really doesn't matter.
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