Friday, September 21, 2007

Late day = no willpower

OK - I was doing pretty well today - except that I was wanting to eat everything in sight! I am PMS-y today I think. So - I ate breakfast at home. Ate my banana at 9:30, then some dried fruit and nuts at 10:45, then ordered my lunch at 11:45 (which I didn't eat until 12:30 after I ran some errands). That was actually less than half of my Burrito Bol because by the time I got back from running around, my eating binge was dwindling. I ate a fraction of the pistachio nuts I brought with me at around 3:00. Then, at 5:30 I ate a PF Soft Cookie... I had been resisting them all week!!!!! I don't know what happened. Then I ate the rest of my burrito... and now I feel uncomfortably full - but I will be going home soon. Hopefully to take a nap. Maybe it is psychological, but I don't know why my brain would have chosen sleepiness as my reaction to gluten (well, and gas too - but the sleepiness is more immediate). Actually I want to go to the gym so I can have a "good" if not perfect day.

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