Just barely. I had to have leftover green beans as a bedtime snack in order to get in all of my fruits and vegetables! And I had a carrot mid-afternoon, too. I don't much like plain raw carrots, and eating one is like advertising "hey, look at me, I'm on a diet!" But I had to go home midday for a meeting with the contractor and I had only eaten half of my lunch before going (the non-fruit part) and would be stopping by Wal Mart on my way back to work and I didn't want to risk giving in to candy temptation there, so I needed to eat something and the only quick thing we had at home that wasn't unhealthy was this carrot. In all, I had roughly 1350 calories for the day.
Exercise was also tough to get in--the pilates videos are only 20 to 25 minutes so I knew I'd have to do more. I figured I'd just pull out a jumprope, but when I got home in the evening Brian was just getting ready to take Connor for a walk, so I went along. It was pretty leisurely, and we only covered a little over a mile, and that took us most of a half an hour. But I figure that a mile walking is the same, as far as calories burned, as a mile running, so I counted it as my extra ten minutes I needed to hit the 30 minute mark.
Actually, it's kind of shameful how many of my "good" activities happened right there at the very end of the day--exercise, vegetables, flossing, and vitamin. But at least I got them all in. I also promised myself that if I was below 140 today I'd indulge in candy corn this weekend. But instead I was 140.2.
Barring a major catastrophe (unlikely) or general laziness (likely) I'll get to the gym again today, making this the first week in ages that I will have gone to the gym all three days I had scheduled, and making it the fifth time I exercised this week. Isn't that worth some candy corn?
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