Hi, Julie -- I think it's just us this week!
I did not get any exercise whatsoever this weekend -- on Saturday the world conspired against me and on Sunday I was just plain lazy. Yesterday I was really feeling blue for a good portion of the day, for no particular reason. It's the kind of mood that leaves me not wanting to exercise but which exercise would help immeasurably. I don't know what I would have done, though -- Daniel was home all day so I couldn't just work out in the middle of the living room (and it was too sticky anyway) and we had a good, solid thunderstorm in the early afternoon that left it too wet outside to do anything out there. Today I have a gym appointment, but it will be a squeeze to get the exercise in, because Mary and Alexander have swimming lessons starting immediately afterwards. I didn't even bother with an appointment for next Monday because it will be the same problem -- so I'll have to figure out something to do at home next week.
My eating yesterday had its ups and downs. I only ate one waffle and one piece of bacon for brunch, but I drank extra milk and ate half of Xander's last waffle as the day progressed. I had lunch of a piece of whole wheat bread and a strip of string cheese, then a later snack of a breadstick and a very small piece of pizza, then dinner of a small serving of fried rice. And also my usual snacks of almonds. So I got off on the right foot but then I was munchy all day -- when I have brunch I feel like I should eat only a very light lunch, but since I ate a small brunch that meant I was much hungrier in the afternoon. And the more blue I felt the more I wanted to eat sweets, so by the end of the day I'd had about four caramels and three Hershey's kisses and a dozen or so M&Ms as well. So now that I look at it, my eating yesterday was pretty much all downs, except on the bacon front. Today I'll try to do better -- if nothing else, our schedule is so packed that I won't have time to eat junk!
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