Tuesday, June 26, 2007


A nice drop from last week! I was 148 on Sunday night, and ... 148 on Monday morning. So I didn't have much hope when I was 148.5 last night. But, remarkably, I dropped two pounds overnight and now I'm back to where I was a month ago. Phew!

Yesterday I did 90 crunches at home, then I went to the gym and did 40 minutes on the bike and sets of 36 on the chest press and shoulder press. Once again I have no plans for exercise today -- Mary has a Girl Scout outing, inconveniently located so I'll have nothing to do but shop while she's there (so I'm going to Target and getting Alexander some shorts that fit!), and then the kids have swim lessons again, and then it's time for dinner. So maybe I'll get motivated and do SOMETHING while Cecilia naps. The aggressive exercise and mild restraint seem to be doing some good for now -- I just have to stay motivated.

The slow start seems to be doing some good -- instead of an abrupt diet I'm kind of working my way into it. The biggest change I've been making is to cut my portion sizes way back; they grew so gradually I hardly noticed, but I don't really miss them when I cut them back again. But that way I can get away with snacking more.

Yesterday I had my usual breakfast, and lunch of a half a ham sandwich (full ham, one slice of bread -- it helps that I don't even like condiments). For dinner I had a junior bacon cheeseburger from Wendy's but I shared a quarter of it with Cecilia, and I had a small fries but I didn't quite finish them. And Daniel brought me a small Frosty, which, sadly, I did finish, but I only had half of it at first and put the rest in the freezer for when I got snacky again. And throughout the day I had a quarter pear, four rounds of almonds, two caramels, and about six M&Ms. I again think I ate more than that but I can't think of the other snacks! I really was busy, though, so it couldn't have been much -- oh, a graham cracker square, at least. But I am still not getting vegetables in my diet.

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