Yesterday I vowed to watch what I eat, planning to stick to healthy snacks, except for planned treats. Except the Brownies had a field trip to Ben & Jerry's, so in mid-afternoon I had a sorbet on a sugar cone (and that was restraint -- I really wanted Chocolate Fudge Brownie in a waffle cone!). And in the evening after dinner I made s'mores with the kids, because the s'mores at Mary's campfire got rained out this weekend and I'd bought the makings on Sunday and just hadn't gotten around to it -- so I had a s'more, and then another s'more, because that's the whole point of them being s'mores, and then I finished Cecilia's, and then over the next hour or two I finished Alexander's second one. So I had almost four! (And Alexander's had double chocolate and double marshmallows!) I did eat better overall; I ate carrots when I wanted something munchy, and I ate fruit when I wanted sweets, though neither satisfied the craving. (But neither does a round of s'mores, for long, apparently. Sigh.)
Today I ate marginally better, but only because the offerings weren't so amazing. I still ate plain marshmallows (just two) when the kids did and I snuck a couple of caramels and about ten M&Ms. When we started all this I refused desserts and fried foods (and we had fried mac & cheese for lunch today -- good, but not worth a swoon, it turns out, so I didn't pig out) and cut way, way back on alcohol and only ate tortilla chips if I had a serving of grains left, and then only a serving. Why can't I do that again? (I know the answer -- I can but I don't really want to.) I haven't had any alcohol today or yesterday (but I really, really would like a beer tonight -- surely that's worth some brownie points), and no chips, either (but Daniel hasn't pulled them out so I haven't been tested).
I did take the kids biking yesterday, but it was only 2 1/2 miles total. Alexander had a terrible time coming down the hill (but failed to run over his own butt -- he also tried the dragging-his-feet method of braking but leapt clear at the crucial moment) and then balked in a panic before the bridge (making the risk of falling down the accompanying staircase considerably greater), and when we got to the library he and Cecilia both needed the bathroom, and the water fountain, so all told the 2 1/2 miles took us well over an hour -- not exactly great exercise. Still, it was 2 1/2 miles more biking than I would have done.
Today I went to the gym and basically repeated Monday's workout (only I bumped the VKRs up to 90, which will have to be my limit for a while, ouch!). On the way home the kids asked if we could ride the trail again, so we did that, too, and Alexander rode like a hero -- a bit slow on the hill but decidedly steady, and fast over the bridge (but right down the middle both times -- wise boy!), and no library stop, so all told the round trip was about a half hour. It was still a very slow ride by my standards but at least we kept moving, and it was on top of my regular workout so that made it even better.
Tomorrow I'm taking the kids to the pool, which is no exercise for me and tons for them, so probably they won't want a long ride afterwards. If I'm going to get any exercise it will have to be at home. Ugh. But that's my challenge to myself tomorrow -- to get SOME exercise. And to eat better, of course.
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