Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Tra-la, it's May!

I considered just not weighing myself today, or this week at all. I've been fluctuating between 137 and 140 all the past week. I've barely been exercising--this deadline I'm working on has been hell so I only got to the gym once last week, then walked Davey twice. Yesterday I failed to get to the gym again, so again I walked Davey (although only two miles) and I'm looking at my schedule this week and realizing that I may not get to the gym at all the whole week. I might be able to make it on Thursday. And my eating has been not-great. At least the candy is gone, but I'm definitely a stress eater and I've been chowing down any carb that crosses my path. So as I said, I considered just throwing out the scale this week and instead focusing on eating better and fitting in exercise when I can.

Only weighing myself has become habit every morning. Today I was 137.6--a nice amount down from last week, but not nearly where I should be.

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