Tuesday, May 22, 2007


I almost missed posting today -- I'm just squeaking it in under the wire. We had a baby to watch this morning and school to do, and I had the church schedule to work on, and what with one thing and another I just haven't been online much today. My weight is up for the week -- big surprise -- but not as badly as it could have been. I'm still exercising but I'm just not going to fuss about the eating thing until after our trip. Any changes I could make right now would be for all of three days. But after our trip you are all required to nag me to start a diet again.

We went for a walk this afternoon, about 2 1/2 miles total. Alexander was a total pill on the walk -- he won't ride his bike, ever since his accident (which caused no significant damage but scared the pants off both of us), so he takes the scooter, and he can't control it going downhill so he ends up wrecking more with that than he would with the bike (but hasn't fallen down a "mountain" yet, so I guess that's why he likes it better). Mary, on the other hand, is getting extremely proficient on her bike and would like to go three times as fast. I've about decided I'm going to splurge on the trailer on sale at Target this week ($77) and insist that Xander ride his bike, and then we can all go at more or less the same pace (assuming I can pull the darn thing, and Cecilia in it, up the hills). But riding my bike wouldn't be as much of a workout as walking, unless we went a lot further, which Alexander couldn't manage right now. Hmm.

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