Thursday, May 17, 2007


Yesterday I had my last training session with Tony. By the end of it I was less disgusted with him. He was listening to me more when I would say I couldn't do something (squats are pretty much it... I can't do deep knee bends with my weight on my knees - I can do knee lifts - so it isn't the bending of my knee, it is the pressing on it...). He also would listen to me if I would say things like 30 second sprints work better for me than 60 second, I lose momentum at almost exactly 30 seconds - so if I do 25 lifts in 30 seconds, I will only get 30 done in 60. OTOH I have gotten better about just doing what he asks and stopping when I can't go any further, so we both got better. I would sign up for 12 more sessions, but not now. I can't afford to do it continuously and I DO want to start using my gym.

Speaking of... Katie's choir gave her a three month membership to Brick Bodies in Reisterstown! How perfect is that! The same day I am stopping with my trainer, she gets a membership! \

Food yesterday was OK until the later part of the day. Toast and juice for breakfast, leftover fish and vegetables for lunch, but then Katie and I went for sushi, and stopped for coffee afterwards. I am usually really good about just getting a skim latte - but they have a new cooler - Heath Bar Toffee Cooler - so we had them. That is EASILY 700 calories right there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GACK!

I was 223.6 today and 222.4 yesterday.

So, yesterday during my training session I got to box - but between bouts of boxing I was doing crunches. We were listening to some 1970s motown music, and the beat of that is PERFECT for crunching. I did 175 in one session, 50 obliques in another session, and finished with another 100 at the end - so 325 total - which means I can't expand my belly to breath today. 8-) My arms are tired too from boxing, but my legs feel pretty good.


Emily said...

OK, you HAVE to tell me who has the Heath Bar Toffee Cooler! It better be Caribou Coffee because we don't have those here -- I'm in trouble if it's Starbucks or some place like that.

BTW, I did a Google search for "Heath Bar Toffee Cooler" and it didn't find the store -- but it DID find our blog!! I didn't realize we'd been picked up by the search engines; I'm pretty sure Dad's blog never was (or at least I've never run across it). I wonder if it's because I activated the RSS feed for the blog so I could see it on my Google page? Hmmm.

Amy said...

Yes - it is Caribou... We can take you there the next time you are in town. 8-)

No comment on my 325 crunches!? See - you pick up on my vices, but not my virtues. Sigh.