Wednesday, April 25, 2007


I had my b-bop-sy (and since Sarah didn't remember, I will remind the rest of you - that is what the crazy aunt in My Big Fat Greek Wedding called her biopsy) yesterday. It went fine - I had a sore throat all night, but it is fine today - I look like I have the world's smallest hickey. Just my luck. Anyway - I am supposed to get the results on Monday. Dr. Haber insisted that he wasn't worried - and told me what they would do if it was cancer - but he wasn't worried! Don't forget to call him on Monday. I left with the feeling that "The doctor doth protest too much..." We will see.

I met with Tony last night. We did upper body - big surprise. There were six of us there. I don't like that many people there and one of them was a REALLY ANNOYING pregnant woman who was way too concerned with other people's workouts. I am meeting him again today, so I think he will be forced to do lower body today. I am counting off my workouts - I am at seven now - five more and I will be done. Sigh.

I was 221.6 this morning - twenty pounds more and I will be where I was last year. What went wrong????

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