Monday, April 23, 2007

Keep me away from food!

I stepped on the scale this morning and was shocked to see that I weighed 140.0!! I know I overate this weekend, but I think three pounds in two days is a bit excessive (Weds - Friday last week my weights were 137, 137, and 137.4), especially since I also stayed pretty active--I went to the gym three days last week, then I spent several hours on Sunday doing yard work and gardening, then I took Davey out for a walk last night that lasted an hour and 20 minutes. I'm really, really hoping that this morning's weight was largely water retention and will go away quickly!

In the meantime, all of the Easter candy is gone and there are no more candy-and-food focused holidays between now and Halloween (well, except summery things that usually involve picnics, but the food doesn't linger from those holidays), and the weather is nicer so I'm more likely to volunteer for walking Davey now, so even if I really do need to lose between five and ten pounds, I think I can do it. I want to get back down to swimsuit weight (for some reason that's 132 in my mind. No clue why.) for our trip to Disney World at the end of June. And really, that's not THAT far in the future, so I'd better get serious about this!

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