"If you gained weight as an adult, you can get a relatively accurate picture of what your ideal size should be by thinking about what you looked like when you were eighteen (for women) or twenty-one (for men); a time when you were at your metabolically most efficient and when you weren't stapled to an office chair for sixty hours a week. Most people gain their weight between the ages of twenty-one and sixty, so by looking at your size at eighteen or twenty-one, you'll have a good, though not quite scientific, idea of your factory settings. It's not perfect, but it's a thumbnail sketch of where you want to be. You can record your waist size (or closest guess) from when you were eighteen, but, more important, think about your shape. Ask your parents about their body sizes-or find pictures of them-when they were eighteen, to help give you a good idea of what you're supposed to look like."
I was fat at 18. I didn't hit a good build until I was about 20... Sophomore or Junior year of college. I DO remember going through a great deal of purging (pretty much every time I ate - I used to call it natural bulemia) and did a LOT of walking. I stayed slim-ish through my work years until I came to TESSCO (actually slightly before). But - again, with the exception of my stint at WBFF my jobs ALWAYS involved walking - the Colonial Farm, and 25 acres at Antrim. My last couple of years at Antrim weren't quite as active because I was doing more of the office work - but I STILL went up and down the stairs everyday - and around the property almost as frequently. I ate pretty badly those years though. I can honestly say I eat better now than I have since I lived at home - and probably better.
Whoa - I am having deja vu - I am even having deja vu about posting that I am having deja vu. Weird. I wonder if that has anything to do with the sawdust I had for breakfast?
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