Dagnabbit, I'm having the same trouble Sarah is -- I'm maintaining when I need to be losing! I've exercised vigorously three days a week for the past two weeks, but I'm not doing anything on the non-gym days and I'm not doing what I should about dieting.
Yesterday I very carefully watched what I ate in terms of food groups, though our dinner was very high-fat. (When we were shopping for Scottish food ingredients this weekend we also picked up some ground lamb for Tuppenny Struggles, which looked like meat pasties, and I made them last night. Only they turned out to be lamb meatloaf with a crust -- so none of the fat cooked out of the lamb, and the crust just made matters worse. At least I made it with margarine and not the lard it called for (!!).) Otherwise yesterday I did very well -- tons of fruit and some veggies, and no junk food except one solitary Hershey's kiss after lunch and a peppermint after dinner. Today I already haven't done quite as well -- I had three marshmallows during math this morning, since we were comparing estimates to actual measurements and we were asked to measure how many marshmallows fit in a shoebox.
Mary estimated that there are 73 people in Blacksburg and 170 in Virginia. And 520 in the US. Big numbers are hard to imagine when you're seven!
Anyway, my goal this week is to exercise at least once while I'm at home, and I'm trying to stick to the diet, marshmallows notwithstanding. It's very frustrating to make no progress when I feel like I'm working so hard! Daniel, on the other hand, has lost 5.5 pounds in two weeks -- he is also eating well, and we're pretty much out of soda, and he gave up the alcohol this week (which means I've given it up, too -- I only drink socially), so his weight will continue to plunge, since he's a guy. Sigh.
Yesterday at the gym I did 20 minutes on the bike and two miles on the track -- it broke up the monotony a lot better. I may start doing ten minutes on three different machines, just for variety, and then a mile on the track. Today my knee is sore -- I didn't have any troubles last year with running, but I didn't start it until I'd been exercising for six months or so. I wonder if my leg muscles aren't up to it at all, or if I'm just pushing too hard? Yesterday I keep to what felt like a comfortable pace and I finished in 19:20 over the two miles, so I was going faster than I meant to some of the time. I did the VKR (and have no soreness from that, thank goodness, so I'm making progress there) and three different arm machines (biceps, triceps, and shoulder raises), paying careful attention to form and keeping the weight low, and nothing hurts there today, either. We'll see if that's still true tomorrow -- last time my arm didn't hurt until two days later.
Sorry this is so long and rambling! Lots on my mind these days!
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