I need to re-set my brain. On Atkins and Fat Flush I am VERY good at sticking to the required foods - and not straying (at least not much) but on the Glucerna diet and now this diet there are no "forbidden" foods - well, there are... Sugars, fats, refined flours, but those aren't FOODS, those are INGREDIENTS. There is a difference. So, today I came home from work and ate my handful of raw nuts (more than I should have had...) then while Katie and I were cooking dinner - Laura was packing her lunch. Laura's lunches usually consist of assorted snack foods - Terrachips being the most appealing to me. Anyway - so Katie and I kept snitching her chips. It didn't count because they were VEGETABLE chips... and there was no sugar or refined flours involved. Yes - the fat was 9g - but that is PER SERVING and snitching chips isn't a serving, right?
Well, Katie and I went on to eat our pork tenerloin with mashed sweet potatos. We added our required cinnamon to the potatoes - and they were very yummy. We both have left overs for lunch tomorrow. Pork is not one of the top recommended proteins (that would be fish followed by chicken) but we have these tenderloins in the freezer - and we had chicken last night and fish tomorrow night... So... We also had our sauteed vegetable medley - sauteed in low fat chicken broth with seasonings. Our new favorite vegetable dish. Very simple and tasty. It makes me not hate vegetables as much.
My 48 hour long day from hell is finally over. Mostly. I had my stinkin' TIS presentation today and it went fine. I had one person tell me that I do such a good job. I don't look at all nervous, and my delivery is so smooth. He said it reminded him of the HR tapes that we force people to watch. I am not sure if that was a compliment... I took it to mean that he thought I came across clear and professional. TIS is the sales training I have been suffering through since August. This was our "final" presentation - and we were selling ice to Eskimos. We got good feedback - but now I am just glad it is OVER! We have one more class and then graduation... Which involves one more standing up and talking about stuff I could care less about. But that isn't until April - so I have some breathing room. Tomorrow - however, I do have to go into work again - to hear the other half of the class do their presentations. But - since I am done, I am mostly looking forward to that.
Today I still have to walk for 30 minutes. I did it last night and I was stressed as well as tired last night. Tonight I am just tired. Actually, I think just tired is worse. Being stressed I was motivated to do something involving energy expenditure. Now, I just want to stare until I fall asleep. But I will make myself walk...
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