Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Wasted Day

I did not walk last night. After I posted I went upstairs to exercise - and ended up reading for a little bit. Then I FORCED myself to get up to go walk - and couldn't find my exercise pants. I was wearing a skirt still from work - so I couldn't walk in that... I even TOLD myself that I had figured out that I could wear PJs on the treadmill - but it didn't work. I went to bed. I then slept a good 10 or 11 hours last night.

Today I had to go into work for the other half of the classes presentations. It was nice not having to do one myself! Anyway - that was at 2 - which is an annoying time - especially since I slept until 9:30. I didn't get anything useful done before hand. Then I went to Mom and Dad's for an hour or two - by the time I got home it was almost 7pm... Katie and I made dinner (Salmon, vegetables and some really gross rice...) and here I am again trying to convince myself to walk. I at least have my exercise pants on this time.

I was 213.2 again this morning...


no idea if that is up or down and I didn't read back through to see...

This week is insanely stressful. Work is nuts, school started last night and my life is generally a non-ending episode of Springer.

I didn't eat"dinner" until 10:30 last night and it was the majority of a bagel with margarine becuase there weren't too many options do to the fact that I haven't been to the grocery store in 2 weeks. I did dish with marian, but that stuff needs cooked :^) Lunch was a nasty hummus wrap thing, chips and cookies. Breakfast...might have been a pop tart.

I have not exercised since Friday. I was feeling sick over the weekend but I think that might be gone, and tonight is going to be very busy. I could go to the gym at midnight maybe. It is open 24 hours...

My reward system

Last night I easily avoided snacking, and then I also did pilates after getting the kids in bed (Claire even nagged me to go exercise--I need to get her to do that more often!). While I was exercising I decided my reward system would be to pay myself $1 for every day I exercise and $1 for every day I avoid snacking after work and in the evening. If I have a day where I don't exercise and I do snack, I have to give back either $1 or $2--I can't decide on that one. This is all going in an iTunes fund so I can buy movies for my iPod. This is one of those things that will feed off of itself--the movies cost $10, so after five "perfect" days I should be able to buy a movie, and then if I have another movie, I'll be more motivated to get to the gym. I'm not sure how long I'll keep this up--at least until I lose five pounds. Last year I was able to lose 1.5 pounds a week pretty easily with my regular "perfect" behavior, so I'm thinking I'll be able to get at least three movies out of this, but it could get expensive if I don't lose the weight easily!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

New Mind Set

I need to re-set my brain. On Atkins and Fat Flush I am VERY good at sticking to the required foods - and not straying (at least not much) but on the Glucerna diet and now this diet there are no "forbidden" foods - well, there are... Sugars, fats, refined flours, but those aren't FOODS, those are INGREDIENTS. There is a difference. So, today I came home from work and ate my handful of raw nuts (more than I should have had...) then while Katie and I were cooking dinner - Laura was packing her lunch. Laura's lunches usually consist of assorted snack foods - Terrachips being the most appealing to me. Anyway - so Katie and I kept snitching her chips. It didn't count because they were VEGETABLE chips... and there was no sugar or refined flours involved. Yes - the fat was 9g - but that is PER SERVING and snitching chips isn't a serving, right?

Well, Katie and I went on to eat our pork tenerloin with mashed sweet potatos. We added our required cinnamon to the potatoes - and they were very yummy. We both have left overs for lunch tomorrow. Pork is not one of the top recommended proteins (that would be fish followed by chicken) but we have these tenderloins in the freezer - and we had chicken last night and fish tomorrow night... So... We also had our sauteed vegetable medley - sauteed in low fat chicken broth with seasonings. Our new favorite vegetable dish. Very simple and tasty. It makes me not hate vegetables as much.

My 48 hour long day from hell is finally over. Mostly. I had my stinkin' TIS presentation today and it went fine. I had one person tell me that I do such a good job. I don't look at all nervous, and my delivery is so smooth. He said it reminded him of the HR tapes that we force people to watch. I am not sure if that was a compliment... I took it to mean that he thought I came across clear and professional. TIS is the sales training I have been suffering through since August. This was our "final" presentation - and we were selling ice to Eskimos. We got good feedback - but now I am just glad it is OVER! We have one more class and then graduation... Which involves one more standing up and talking about stuff I could care less about. But that isn't until April - so I have some breathing room. Tomorrow - however, I do have to go into work again - to hear the other half of the class do their presentations. But - since I am done, I am mostly looking forward to that.

Today I still have to walk for 30 minutes. I did it last night and I was stressed as well as tired last night. Tonight I am just tired. Actually, I think just tired is worse. Being stressed I was motivated to do something involving energy expenditure. Now, I just want to stare until I fall asleep. But I will make myself walk...

Diet secret

Dental work. That's the key to not eating. I had a filling done at 4:00 today and now it's after 7:30 and I'm still mostly numb and what isn't numb is sore but darn if I didn't want any snacks so far this evening! And I'm just having dinner now (a not quite healthy grilled cheese sandwich, but it's squishy, so that's good, and it let me use the leftover shredded cheese from the tacos Brian and Claire had). And wouldn't you know that for the first time in years I only needed one filling this time instead of multiple painful visits for various things? Figures. Not that I'm complaining. Maybe I'll just have Brian sock me in the jaw each day that I feel like snacking!


Dagnabbit, I'm having the same trouble Sarah is -- I'm maintaining when I need to be losing! I've exercised vigorously three days a week for the past two weeks, but I'm not doing anything on the non-gym days and I'm not doing what I should about dieting.

Yesterday I very carefully watched what I ate in terms of food groups, though our dinner was very high-fat. (When we were shopping for Scottish food ingredients this weekend we also picked up some ground lamb for Tuppenny Struggles, which looked like meat pasties, and I made them last night. Only they turned out to be lamb meatloaf with a crust -- so none of the fat cooked out of the lamb, and the crust just made matters worse. At least I made it with margarine and not the lard it called for (!!).) Otherwise yesterday I did very well -- tons of fruit and some veggies, and no junk food except one solitary Hershey's kiss after lunch and a peppermint after dinner. Today I already haven't done quite as well -- I had three marshmallows during math this morning, since we were comparing estimates to actual measurements and we were asked to measure how many marshmallows fit in a shoebox.

Mary estimated that there are 73 people in Blacksburg and 170 in Virginia. And 520 in the US. Big numbers are hard to imagine when you're seven!

Anyway, my goal this week is to exercise at least once while I'm at home, and I'm trying to stick to the diet, marshmallows notwithstanding. It's very frustrating to make no progress when I feel like I'm working so hard! Daniel, on the other hand, has lost 5.5 pounds in two weeks -- he is also eating well, and we're pretty much out of soda, and he gave up the alcohol this week (which means I've given it up, too -- I only drink socially), so his weight will continue to plunge, since he's a guy. Sigh.

Yesterday at the gym I did 20 minutes on the bike and two miles on the track -- it broke up the monotony a lot better. I may start doing ten minutes on three different machines, just for variety, and then a mile on the track. Today my knee is sore -- I didn't have any troubles last year with running, but I didn't start it until I'd been exercising for six months or so. I wonder if my leg muscles aren't up to it at all, or if I'm just pushing too hard? Yesterday I keep to what felt like a comfortable pace and I finished in 19:20 over the two miles, so I was going faster than I meant to some of the time. I did the VKR (and have no soreness from that, thank goodness, so I'm making progress there) and three different arm machines (biceps, triceps, and shoulder raises), paying careful attention to form and keeping the weight low, and nothing hurts there today, either. We'll see if that's still true tomorrow -- last time my arm didn't hurt until two days later.

Sorry this is so long and rambling! Lots on my mind these days!


Yuck. Well, I guess not horrible, but I'm just stuck at this post-Christmas level and it's all my fault. I've been exercising moderately but not as much as I need to (three gym trips in the past week, two long Davey walks) and eating moderately but not as little as I should to lose weight. So instead of losing, I'm maintaining which is NOT what I need to be doing. I only need to lose a lousy three pounds to get to my acceptable level, five or six to be comfortably in the good weight range--I should be able to do that in two or three weeks, but instead I keep snacking at night when I should be exercising.

So I'm going to take baby steps here--tonight I'm not going to snack, and if I *do* snack, I have to do pilates. And if I manage to both not snack AND do pilates I get some kind of reward but I'm not sure what yet because the only things that spring to mind involve calories. If I can manage that for one day, I'll stretch it out to two. And so on until I lose these lousy three pounds!

Up today

How discouraging. I was 214 today. Of course, I was horrible with my food yesterday. I ate my whole grain breakfast cereal just fine - but then I only had an apple for lunch. Then we had a fruit tart for a birthday here at work (the Wegman's kind - as good as it looks!). I had a small piece - and it IS mostly fruit! Then I was swamped until Katie and I had dinner last night (baked chicken and green beans). I had a handful of raw nuts later and then a protein bar around - late, I am not sure what time.

I DID do my 30 minutes of walking last night. This is in spite of the fact that I was working on a work project (for my record long day from hell) until 10:38.

Today - so far I have had my high in antioxidents coffee - and nothing else. I have my stinkin' TIS presentation today around 2pm and I am all stressed about that. MY stomach is gurgleing over it too - and I woke up at 5:47am - in spite of the fact that I didnt' go to bed until 12:40am. I need more sleep. I can't wait to go home and go to bed tonight.

Monday, January 29, 2007


This morning I had someone ask if I got new glasses... No. Well, was my hair different?... No. So she said - I am officially documenting that your face looks thinner - you look like you have lost weight. Yippee!!! Of course, it isn't showing on the scale (213.2 this morning) and I didn't measure my waist today.

I didn't eat much yesterday - and when I did it was bad stuff. I had a lemon bar and half a piece of an incredibly decadent Let's Dish dessert (we got them for free! OK! We wouldn't have them otherwise!!!) I was hoping to get rid of them before I started my next diet phase - but Katie woudn't let me throw them away. So - I was the one eating them!!! Well - I have mentally assigned the rest to her - so maybe I will stay out of them. Actually - we have had them for a while, so I shouldn't have a problem staying out of them.

I walked 15 minutes on Saturday - and nothing yesterday. I was mad at myself because the new diet officially started today - and part of the diet is the walk 30 minutes everyday. Every Day. Yes, every day. That is how they say it in the book. Anyway - I walked 24 minutes on Thursday - then just 11 minutes on Friday and 15 minutes on Saturday. I was trying to start forming good habits early - but I failed miserably. I get so bored!! I don't WANT to get bored - but I do. Sadly, it is the first 20 minutes or so that are especially boring - so I am MORE than willing to quit at the first possible opportunity. Today I did manage to get up 20 minutes earlier than normal - but I used that time to get to work earlier - because I have a hell day for the next 48 hours. I wanted to get a jump on it. Ugh.

The food for this diet is pretty easy - sugarless for the most part - and high fiber grains. But coffee is allowed - so it isn't too bad. It says you should pretty much eat the same foods every day, adding variety to only one of the meals. That is pretty much what Katie and I already do. We agreed that cereal with milk is the easiest for us to do daily for breakfast. We like sandwiches for lunch - so I will have to get some ingredients. We have been low carb for so long that we haven't had bread in eons!! Dinners will be Let's Dish for us - as long as they aren't high in cheeses or white flour - but I thinkwe should be OK for the most part. We will have to get whole wheat tortillas for our buritos. We have several of them - but they are with white flour tortillas.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Where have I been?

I've had my mind on dieting and exercise all week but for some reason I haven't been on the blog. I didn't even REALIZE I hadn't been on until today and there were a thousand new posts. Very odd.

Anyway, I have been sticking to the trips to the gym -- I went on Wednesday and Friday and both times did 30 minutes on the bike (boring, boring, boring -- I'm going to have to shake things up more) and ran a mile on the indoor track (fun for a mile, but it would get old fast after that). The first day my mile took 9:11 and yesterday it took 9:02. It's a 1/9th mile track so it's easy to think of doing a lap a minute, which is how I'm ending up with almost nine-minute miles. I couldn't keep up that pace any longer -- both times I've had a good first lap, one or two good laps in the middle, several so-so laps, and one or two bad laps before a final all-out run on the last lap to make it even out.

I've also been doing some weight machine work. Yesterday I did leg lifts and leg curls again and it seems I got the weight right, because today I can feel a bit of tiredness in the muscles but no pain. I did the chest press on Wednesday (but that was all for muscle work, because our childcare time was short) and didn't have any soreness from that afterwards, and my arm has given me no trouble of late.

My eating has been pretty good during the days. Daniel has been much better behaved than I have in the evenings -- now it's me bringing out the pizza-flavored goldfish! But we've scaled back the snacking quite a bit. Last night was an exception; we went to some friends' house for dinner, and it was a rich pasta sauce (but I kept the pasta portion reasonable) with a VERY rich dessert (fudgy black-bottom cupcakes only with more cream cheese than my recipe!) and, as I mentioned, I went through three glasses of wine over the course of the evening. And Daniel and I ate a ton of goldfish after we got home as well.

Tonight we're going to a Rabbie Burns dinner so there will be lots of rich food again, but it tends to involve a lot of cabbage and other foods I'm not excited about so I may not be a pig after all!

Today I had toast and scrambled eggs for breakfast (so more breakfast than ususal) plus milk and OJ, and I've had one Hershey kiss and ten Skittles. Maybe I need to get back to being brutally honest about what I'm eating!

Friday, January 26, 2007

Which Waist?

OK - Being high waisted is a curse - we all know that! But here is a new twist on it - at least for me... Which is my waist measurement? I have always measured my waist as my narrowest part of my torso... Which this morning was BELOW the 37" that indicate potential health risks from being too fat (according to YOU: On a Diet)... However the space around my belly button (which is where they say your waist is...) is BIGGER than the 37". The book also says that for obese people you just measure holding the measuring tape level. I wasn't that bad... I clearly had spots I could measure - although the part around my belly button was harder to keep level... my narrow part waist stayed level.

I think that it doesn't matter which part I measure - I need to lose 4-6 inches regardless!! The book focuses on belly fat. I may have said this already. It says that the fat we have all over our bodies is not good in great quantities - but it is the fat in our core that potentially causes major health risks. It has a lot of funny drawings showing our omemtum layer (which is the stored belly fat). They describe it as stockings hanging off a shower curtain rod. It is supposed to be transparent and web-y and fairly insubstantial (but there - because we need it!) but that is also where the fat cells get most of the overflow from our poor eating. So what we end up with is the Michelin Man sitting on our stomach - not at all insubstantial. This causes a lot of health problems because the sheer bulk of it pushes our organs out of shape and position. This is how we end up with GI problems, shortness of breath, overworked livers, lungs and heart... and ALL sorts of other things! OH! Sit ups don't do anything to get rid of the belly fat directly - but building muscles DOES burn fat more effectively than just about anything - but (ironically) it is the bigger muscle groups that do it more (Shoulders, gluts, quads... and abs.)

This is a very interesting book.

I was 213.2 today. I walked for 11 minutes this morning. So I have just 19 to go. 8-) I discovered last night that I can walk on my treadmill in my PJs and bare feet. I can't walk as FAST as I would in shoes (I am not sure why - maybe because I feel a little more unsteady with no shoes). This is good news because now I can't use the getting changed thing as an excuse.

One thing I misread and want to clarify - Not two cups of coffee - two diet sodas. Coffee is fine - so Sarah - if you want to ADD one in the afternoon that is fine. Caffeine is good to kick start your metabolism - but it is the antioxidants in coffee that is really benenfitial - so decaf has the same affect. It has seven times the amount of the second place contendor - bananas.

The other thing they include on this diet is ONE alcoholic drink an evening. It isn't a requirement - but the health benefits of a controlled amount of alcohol outweighs the disadvantages. So - Emily, you don't have to give up your nightly beer - as long as it is only one.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Quote from YOU: On a Diet

"If you gained weight as an adult, you can get a relatively accurate picture of what your ideal size should be by thinking about what you looked like when you were eighteen (for women) or twenty-one (for men); a time when you were at your metabolically most efficient and when you weren't stapled to an office chair for sixty hours a week. Most people gain their weight between the ages of twenty-one and sixty, so by looking at your size at eighteen or twenty-one, you'll have a good, though not quite scientific, idea of your factory settings. It's not perfect, but it's a thumbnail sketch of where you want to be. You can record your waist size (or closest guess) from when you were eighteen, but, more important, think about your shape. Ask your parents about their body sizes-or find pictures of them-when they were eighteen, to help give you a good idea of what you're supposed to look like."

I was fat at 18. I didn't hit a good build until I was about 20... Sophomore or Junior year of college. I DO remember going through a great deal of purging (pretty much every time I ate - I used to call it natural bulemia) and did a LOT of walking. I stayed slim-ish through my work years until I came to TESSCO (actually slightly before). But - again, with the exception of my stint at WBFF my jobs ALWAYS involved walking - the Colonial Farm, and 25 acres at Antrim. My last couple of years at Antrim weren't quite as active because I was doing more of the office work - but I STILL went up and down the stairs everyday - and around the property almost as frequently. I ate pretty badly those years though. I can honestly say I eat better now than I have since I lived at home - and probably better.

Whoa - I am having deja vu - I am even having deja vu about posting that I am having deja vu. Weird. I wonder if that has anything to do with the sawdust I had for breakfast?

Comment on Sarah's post - it was just getting too long

Yes - they bash HFCS - they say that you shouldn't eat it if it is in the top five ingredients (along with refined flours and something else). It isn't that it processes like fat - fat processing is OK - in fact they say that you are SUPPOSED to eat a handful of nuts (walnuts are recommended b/c of the Omega 3) 20 minutes before a meal and to stave off cravings. Your body processes fat more slowly - and so it will prevent you from overeating DURING a meal and will help you to feel more full. The thing with HFCS is that it is not recognized by our brain as food and so does nothing to stop the hormone that makes you feel hungry or to trigger the hormone that tells you to stop eating. So - you consume WAY too many calories, and THEN eat too much at meals. Caffeine, OTOH, does just fine to make you feel full - and it motivates your metabolism - but they don't recommend more than 2 cups a day. Nicotine is another drug they recommend to jump start you when you hit a plateau BUT NOT IN CIGARETTE FORM - a patch (7mg) and only upon the advice of your doctor.

Everything ultimately is supposed to be converted to sugar in our bodies - to be used as energy - or to be stored as fat. By eating TOO much sugar (or fat or protein) we store too much and don't consume enough of our store. They say you don't start using your stores until you have done the equivalent of 30 minutes of walking - so part of the requirement of the diet is to walk 30 minutes a day - every day - but it can be broken up. My plan is to get Kristy to walk with me for 15 minutes each day at work - and then do 15 minutes in the morning - or at night. Then 2 to 3 times a week you are supposed to do resistance work - for about 20 minutes a day. Again it can be spaced out - and it includes stretches and Yoga moves - which I like.

What I found to be interesting is that the book says you don't ever have more or less fat or muscle cells your entire adult life. The ones you have just get bigger or smaller. If you diet without exercising you are reducing BOTH your muscle and fat cells - but when you stop both you only increase your fat cells - so even if you don't weigh more, you look fatter - which is why Yo-Yo dieting is such a concern.

Yeah - it is a very interetsing book. I will loan it around when I finish with it.

OH! Also - eat high fiber in the morning - it prevents late after noon cravings. I have been eating sawdust with walnuts and cinnamon (another thing - you are supposed to have 1t of cinnamon each day...). I keep thinking of Jamie Frasier and his parrich!

High fructose corn syrup

In the "You: on a diet" book, according to the thread I read online, HFCS is singled out as a particularly bad ingredient in foods. Don't know the details, but something about the enzymes in it being processed by the body more like a fat than a sugar and that it doesn't trigger your body to feel full, which is why people can drink 700 calories of soda a day and not have it fill them up. So I've been looking at the food I eat and discovered that the Dannon yogurt I have every afternoon around 4:00 or so to try to stave off the after work/before dinner gorging is sweetened with HFCS. We still have a bunch of it in the house, but I think I'll switch brands when this batch is gone and see if another brand without HFCS is any better at filling me up so I don't eat 12 Pepperidge Farm cookies before dinner like I did yesterday! Or maybe it was only 8. It was a lot.

OTOH, I took Davey for a 2 mile walk last night, and I'll be back at the gym today, and this morning my weight was 137 even (flashed on 136.8--a nice sign of good things to come, I hope) so I hope I'm back to my good behavior for good!

New Diet Book

I have been reading YOU: On a Diet. Katie heard an interview with the doctor's who wrote it on NPR, and I had run into it a couple of times recently - so I decided to give it a try. I am really enjoying it. It is a LOT about the science of how our digestive systems work - both phyically and hormonally. It gets into what causes us to feel hungry and what tells us that we feel full - and also that our bodies have developed ways of over-riding the signal that we feel full... thus causing problems.

I don't know if this diet will be any more successful than other diets - but I have decided to put that one on the slate next.

I was 213.4 yesterday and 214 today. This new diet says you have to measure your waist - not your weight - and we are shooting to be 32.5 inches or less (depending on your build - and your build should be based on your body at 18!!! size wise) so 32 inches would be about right for me... I was 38" last night!

The encouraging thing about this book is it says that your body WANTS to be its natural size - and it gave the name of a weight doctor (the catagory - Bariatrics I think....) which is also good - because I didn't know for sure if there WAS a weight doctor. I am going to check my insurance and see if I can get a name of one near me...

I wish today was weigh in day....

151.0. Must have been the cookie I had for dinner last night...

There is an article in this British Psychology magazine Amy M picked up at the library about being weight loss resistant. I haven't read it yet but if it seems worthwhile I'll pass it along.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

A Whole lot of Nothin!

Today I was 216.2. Sigh. I was hoping it would have dropped the extra four pounds overnight - but no such luck.

WHY!? How is it that I consistantly gain 4 pounds for my period - but then, if I lose it at all, it is over the course of three weeks - just in time to GAIN it again! It is like it doesn't matter at all what I eat or do for exercise - it is three very painful steps forward for FOUR sudden leaps backwards!

I had one of the worst days yesterday. There was the woman who died, then we had to fire a long time team member for doing something really stupid, then I accidentally let in a super virus, worm into my computer late in the day... and something else, but I can't remember what. It was a bad day. BUT -I didn't eat anything horrible to counter balance my bad day - so that is good anyway. I DID eat a pack of Chex Mix from the vending machine today. But that was unrelated to anything but a salt craving.

Katie said today that a woman at work referred a really good nutritionist to her. I am going to see what she can recommend. I emailed the accupuncturist yesterday, but he wrote back to say that he doesn't do weight control (even though his website says he does...).


Not surprising, given my eating habits. Now I've enlisted Daniel's help -- our worst time of day is in the evening, when we're inclined to snack on chips and salsa or popcorn, drink beer and/or wine, eat up leftovers (last night I had a piece of pizza), eat anything sweet I can find (lately we've been drifting back into the ice cream habit -- I had THAT last night, too!), etc. I probably take in half my day's calories post-dinner!

Nevertheless, I did work out yesterday -- I did 40 minutes on the bike (354 calories, my best yet) and a mile on the treadmill (about 10 1/2 minutes -- I just kept pushing the pace even though I hadn't planned on running and wasn't dressed for it) and a whole bunch of abs (some on the VKR and some on the machine, which gets my upper abs better but doesn't get the overall abs very well), and then I did some leg lifts and some leg curls, about three sets of each. I didn't use enough weight on the leg curls, though. The leg lifts felt good.

Today I should do something at home (coulda, shoulda, woulda). It's laundry day so there's a lot of running up and down the stairs, but I don't think that's enough for me right now, since I've been doing laundry days all through the last nine months and still gained weight!

Not so horrifying


Even though this is my "get out of jail free" day I decided to both weigh myself and report it since the weight is another.2 pounds down from last week (same amount I was down then). So at this rate I should hit my goal weight in another, oh, 25 weeks, right?

I didn't make it to the gym yesterday because of a 2:30 meeting that started late and ran much later than I thought it would, so I brought my gym stuff again today. Food wasn't so good yesterday either--it was winter convocation at work so they served us breakfast (bacon, yummmmm) but that was after I had already had half a bagel at home, then I had leftover chicken salad for lunch and Brian made kielbasa, mashed potatoes, apples, and sauerkraut for dinner (which meant that I at least kept the portions small, even if the food was all high fat/calories). And *someone* gave me chocolate covered cashews for my birthday and I ate half the bag last night! So all in all, bad day.


So I am down a little. I was awesome last week with exercise, then totally slacked off and haven't been back since last Wed. I ran Sat, Sun, Mon, Tues & Wed. Ihave no idea why I skipped Thursday, drank Friday, Went to DC Saturday, drank Sunday and got home too late last night and prioritized watching Heroes over heading to the gym.

Monday, January 22, 2007

How annoying

As I reported last, my period started on Friday (Thursday evening actually...) ANYWAY - true to form I had a weight spike two days after the start. Saturday morning to be specific. I was 215.2 on Saturday - 215.6(ish) on Sunday and then TODAY I was 216.2!!!!!!!! This is particularly annoying because Katie and I just finished up Fat Flush this weekend. Officially it was supposed to go through the day on Sunday - but since we had Sarah's birthday party - and since I hadn't been particularly good before that (no eggs for example...) I called it off for the day. Anyway - the truly annoying part is that I was tracking to hit my 6 pound loss goal had my period not interferred!! So now I am showing a net loss of nothing I think. Actually - I guess it was a net loss of .8 pounds - but same-diff. Sigh.

So - today I am still Fat Flushing - at least during the day I am. I suspect Katie and I will have something that isn't entirely Fat Flush friendly tonight for dinner.

I actually ran on Saturday! I put on my rib smashing bra, got on the treadmill and worked out. It was only for 25 minutes and I ran for probably a grand total of 5 of those minutes. What I kept doing was switching back and forth between 3.5 mph to 4 mph. 4 is just a little too fast for me to walk - so I have to jog. I didn't hurt. I couldn't keep up the pace for more than a minute at a time, but it actually felt good. THEN - I didn't change out of my exercise clothes right away and much later I noticed that the bra was keeping me from bouncing as I went up and down the stairs too. If it weren't so darn unattractive I would wear it all the time!!!

We had a woman die at work today. Well, actually she died on Friday after complications from surgery. It was such a shock. I can't get over it. Her birthday is the day before mine and she was exactly 10 years older than me. I know that is acknowledged by just about everyone to be way too young - but none-the-less... this is coming right on the heels of me stressing over turning 40 next month! I am not dealing well with this coming birthday!!

I hurt.

I went to the gym last Wednesday and did the hanging abs thing (officially called the Vertical Knee Raise, I've learned) after 40 minutes on the bike (burning 313 calories). Then I went again on Saturday morning and again did 40 minutes on the bike, burning still more calories, and I did the VKR and some other muscle work -- I did three sets of chest presses and one set of shoulder raises. Shoulder raises are always so depressing because even on the lowest weight setting I can barely do a dozen! Yesterday I felt pretty good after the arm work, just some slight tenderness in my right tricep. Today I can barely move my LEFT arm! That is, if I contract it to below 90 degrees, or if I try to raise it above my shoulder, it gets painful. Ugh.

This afternoon I'm going back to the gym. This was to have been our first visit using childcare, so Daniel and I could have worked out together, but Cecilia has been running a low fever for almost 24 hours so I had to cancel the childcare and Daniel and I will switch off. I cancelled twice last week because we decided the times we'd signed up for were too late to be practical (but they'd been the only ones available). So I'm sure the childcare people think we're completely flaky, and they haven't even met us yet. This is not a good start!

Anyway, I did meet my goal of exercising three times in the week. Food has been another matter -- I haven't set any goals, but whatever they might have been, I've failed on them. My weight so far seems to be going up. The only promising sign right now is that last Friday my jeans were decidedly more comfortable, though since then they haven't been better so I'm starting to think it was wishful thinking. Or maybe my normal intestinal issues went away inexplicably for just one day. Bleah.

Weigh-in tomorrow will not be good -- but at least I'm exercising, so I don't need to feel totally depsondent!

I think we should be allowed an opt-out day after our birthday!

I haven't weighed myself since the day last week when I was up to 138.8, and since then I haven't exercised at all and I've eaten enough calories to feed a small third world village for a month. Much of it in the form of alcohol. So don't you think that for a birthday present to ourselves we should be allowed a "get out of jail free" card for the Tuesday after our birthday? If you don't hear from me tomorrow, it'll be because I'm so mortified by my weight that I am just avoiding the board!

Kind of interesting, though--Saturday night was Claire's troop trip to an indoor pool. Last year I worked really hard to get my weight down to 140 for this same trip so I wouldn't feel so self conscious in a bathing suit. This year I probably weighed a bit less (maybe, but not by much; hard to know since I didn't actually weigh myself!) but felt much more blobby. I don't know if it's a self image thing, or if it's because I haven't been doing pilates religiously like I was last year. I really need to go back to that so I can get my abs in better shape. My arms and legs stay pretty toned just through normal daily activity and running, but my abs lose all their tone if I don't keep up with regular exercise.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Bad Girls go to Bonefish

Katie and I went to Bonefish last night to celebrate Katie NOT going to jail. We were comparatively restrained. We each ordered the surf and turf with steamed vegetables and a house salad. It came with a side of beets/sauerkraut or something that was surprisingly tasty. All of our food was Fat Flush friendly - and since I had eaten NOTHING else yesterday - and only ate half of my meats then - I was within the Fat Flush allotments volume-wise. However, we each also had a Mojito (OH! YUM!) and then Danny the bartender bought us each a pomegranet martini (YUM AGAIN!). We decided the pomegranate martini was OK-ish because as an alternative to Cran Water you can use pomegranate juice...

Anyway - my weight was up to 213.6 this morning - but I attribute that more to my period starting than to over eating last night.

I didn't exercise AGAIN - and while I thought about it AS SOON AS I woke up this morning - it was already 6:30 and so way too late to start. Maybe I will exercise tonight. SIGH.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Crop Info

This is the link to the crop that Sarah and I are going to. I know we told you all about it when we first signed up in the fall - but no one else bit. So - now that it is just a few weeks away, I am reminding you about it just in case you want to change your minds. Sarah and I each signed up for a class with Ali and one with Donna... but I don't remember which ones. I also don't know if there ARE any slots left - but it can't hurt to check if you do want to go. Sarah and I are going for the whole weekend and have a hotel right there. If you want to go for the day - or if you want to crash for a night with us - it is probably OK.

I intend to eat poorly that weekend.

Good behavior, but my weight is going up

This is frustrating--I've been good the past couple of days about sticking to my meals and not snacking constantly, and the Christmas goodies are all but gone (down to just some gingerbread cookies and cherry candy canes, which I think are gross), and I exercised yesterday and on Tuesday I did the non-exercise-but-still-active evening routine (where I don't let myself sit down but instead keep moving all evening doing household stuff and generally get a lot accomplished) but my weight has been up the past two days--138.4 yesterday and 138.8 today. Yuck. Maybe I should try some fat flushing or South Beach or nicotine patches until I drop eight pounds! I'm also noticing that now that the weather has finally turned cold I'm really thirsty all the time, so at least I'm drinking a lot of water, and maybe, with any luck, that's why my weight has gone up! OTOH, I guess I'm thirsty because I'm getting dehydrated, so I suppose that all evens out.

Down and then up

Yesterday morning I was 212 even, today I was 212.8. I think this was because yesterday I did NOTHING (outside of a trip to the dentist and then to Mom and Dad's to feed Chloe) but watch Bones.

My food all day was normal Fat Flush stuff. Dinner last night was gross meat loaf. I think it was gross because it wasn't quite cooked enough (even after a re-fire).

I am ready to be done this diet - although it does still seem to be working. I HAVE to start exercising again!!!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Wednesday update

My eating got worse as the day went on yesterday -- we had a very yummy alfredo and ham pasta dish for dinner, very full-fat and low-fiber, with nothing more than cucumbers on the side. And I had a glass of wine and a non-fat latte and some ice cream over the course of the evening, and probably a few more chocolates. I don't know when "moderation" left my vocabulary but I think it's been a year now! Sheesh.

Today I finished off the last of my enormous Swiss chocolate bar, and the kids are down to the last few Hershey's kisses, and I ate the last two chocolate almonds today. So except for a half bag of coffee-flavored Hershey's, which I enjoy only one or two at a time, and about four Ghiardelli's dark chocolate squares, which are practically medicinal if you eat them one at a time (or so Mom tells me), we're almost out of Christmas candy. Phew! Oh, I take that back -- there are also some gumdrops and candy canes. But I don't care for candy canes and I forget about the gumdrops, which are fat-free anyway, and easy to eat in moderation. So there it is.

We still have Christmas cookies. Stale, fortunately. Phew again.

I did not get to the gym yesterday, but I'll be heading out in about half an hour or so to go for another 40-minute bike workout. I'll try and up the level, as I said the other day. Dinner tonight is leftovers of last night -- maybe this time I can keep it in check?

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

145.0 again. (Whew!)

I say "whew" because last night before bed I was 148 and dropping three pounds overnight seemed improbable, and I've been 147 and 146.5 the past two days. Eeek! No more of that!

But yesterday I WENT TO THE GYM! Hooray! I did 40 minutes on the exercycle -- at level 6, I think, but the fat burner program on the bikes at this new gym keep up with your heart rate and respond to make you maintain a fixed rate. I set it at 165 at first but it doesn't do a warm-up so that nearly killed me at first, so I reduced it to 157 (the recommended upper limit for a 35-year-old, though that has always felt low to me) and worked out at that level. I'll bump it up a bit over the next week or so until I can get back to my prior level. I burned 300 calories (they say -- but I don't remember it asking my weight) and went 14.4 miles. Very satisfying.

After all the fuss about childcare Daniel and I ended up switching off yesterday and keeping the kids at home. You can schedule care at the gym up to a week in advance and if you wait until the last day there's no way to get four slots (Cecilia counts double) at a reasonable time. So we're signed up for next Monday for 5 pm. I have a Thursday slot for 6:30 but I might call and cancel that and we can switch off over the next couple of days. My goal is to work out three times this week. If I keep exercising my weight will be reasonable. If I don't, I will gain dramatically. It's that simple.

My eating yesterday was pretty good because I was trying to focus on it. I've made the bright move of leaving the clementines sitting on the counter -- they won't keep as long as being in the fridge but they don't need to, because as long as they're in sight I go through two or three a day, as do Cecilia and Alexander! So I'm less inclined to reach for the chocolate or the chips (leftover from Daniel's poker party on Friday). We still have Christmas cookies, but they're getting so stale that they're not very tempting, though maybe they will be when the chocolate is all gone!

Today so far I've had a bowl of cereal with milk, a clementine, eight almonds, and (unfortunately) several chocolate-covered almonds (from Trader Joe's -- they were a gift, and, oh, they're yummy, but thank goodness they're almost gone). Now it's lunchtime -- yogurt and pretzels, I think!

Down dooby do down down

I was 212.8 today. That is lower than I was expecting. I really thought I would be higher since I was 214 yesterday and 213-ish all weekend. So - good.

Katie and I have been really good about Fat Flush - but I have been having a problem waking up around 1am or 2am being REALLY hungry - and having to pee. So - I get up and pee, and then I scrounge. I tend to go for the organic flax seed cereal (dry) and (GASP!) the Christmas cookies. I hate myself for this. I don't hate myself while I am doing it - but the next morning I hate myself. I think "I have been so good - why do I sabatoge myself in the middle of the night?" I do wonder how I would be doing right now if I wasn't doing midnight raids. I am still losing - slowly. I don't know. I counteract my self loathing by being REALLY GOOD on Fat Flush during the day... Sigh. I also - in the logical part of my brain - tell myself that a serving of dry, whole grain cereal - or even a serving of Christmas cookies - in a 24 hour period is not all that bad. In fact - if you figure Katie and I are eating about 1100 calories a day on Fat Flush - the extra 200 isn't bad at all!! But it is still wrong. THAT is what I hate. I do wonder why I am doing this too - I was EXCELLANT on Atkins - no slips at all (except what I reported before which were planned and not, therefore, cheating). I have decided that it is just the little bit of allowed sugars. I am like a real addict. Give me a little and I can't let it go. It was when I was allowed to have fruit in Atkins that I started losing focus before. Fat Flush allows two fruits a day. I don't know...

Katie unearthed the treadmill yesterday. I didn't use it though. I am DETERMINED to use it tonight!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm really good at maintaining.

Not that I'm *trying* to maintain at the moment, but in the past week my weight has fluctuated from a high of 138.4 to a low of 137.4. Today was 137.8, so officially down .2 pound (pounds?) since last week. As long as I get to the gym a few times and stay relatively active on the weekends, I can pretty much eat what I want (within reason) without gaining weight. Isn't that nice to know? Which means, of course, that I need to STOP eating pretty much what I want (like those gingerbread cookies on Sunday and that beer last night) if I want to drop these five pounds or so.

This is a strange week for me, gym-wise, since I wasn't at work yesterday and won't be here on Friday, so I'll probably only get to the gym once. I *could* go three times if I was motivated, but I'm a realist and know that just isn't going to happen, especially since I don't have my gym stuff with me today and DO have a couple of DSW coupons burning a hole in my pocket! So maybe I'll be good and go two days.

I am here.

My limited internet access causes me some problems with posting. Hopefully that will be fixed this week and I will be connected at home again.

I ran Saturday, Sunday and Monday. My food is pretty random. Today so far I have had a cinnamon raisin bagel with cream cheese (spread like butter, so not too much.) Who knows what lunch will be, or dinner for that matter. I do not cook for myself at all.

My weight is the same as last week.

Monday, January 15, 2007

It doesn't matter what you say

OK - To Emily and Sarah who commented on my last post about having nothing to say... I have fricking nothing to say either!!!!! However, if I didn't post my whole lot of nothing, NOONE would have anything to read and eventually we would all stop reading it - which defeats the purpose of the feeling that SOMEONE is checking up on me! Post to say that you are just checking in if nothing else!!!

Katie and I have discovered a fat flush friendly - and pretty much any diet friendly - way to eat vegetables that is appealing to both of us. I went to Wegman's on Friday and bought a pack of baby squash and a pack of fresh snow peas. We had a red (sweet) pepper at home. I cut them all into spears (well - not the peas - they are shaped that way anyway) and then sauteed/simmered them for about 3 minutes in abdout 1/2 and inch of low fat/low sodium chicken broth untit the broth was mostly cooked away. They were so good that I went BACK to Wegmans yesterday and bought more of everything - plus skinny green beans and mini yellow patty pan squash. I have eaten them for every meal - and am not sick of them yet!!!

Katie made a turkey meatloaf last night. It used chopped spinach instead of breading - and it turned out fabulous... You should all try it.

I am craving chewy food right now... bread, pasta, cheese, even meat - but all I have is crunchy water. I just at my orange - thinking that maybe the sugar in that will curb my carb craving. Sigh.

I didn't exercise this weekend - but I wore my new industrial strength bra twice. Emily wasn't kidding about it giving you a stitch in your side. It isn't that it is tight per se. In fact, if feels quite comfortable - but the support band around your ribs is so firm that it prevents your rib cage from fully expanding when you breathe in. So - you get a stitch. I haven't actually managed to wear it long enough to WORK OUT in it... but I am getting closer. I still bounce. I still maintain that what they are doing with sports bras (squishing it all flat) isn't what a large chested (fat) woman needs. She needs something that will support her from her waist up to just under her boobs. It isn't the volume of my chest that causes the bounce - it is the fact that these tremendous lumps are floating on an all over ocean of fat - and unless you can get the whole ocean to stop moving the islands won't stop either.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Now I am testing you all

My daily posts have been the ONLY posts since Tuesday. I am beginning to think that - except on weigh-in day - KATIE is the only one who reads the blog - and that is just because she has them emailed to her.

So - I have eaten everything in my bag (green beans, chicken, hard boiled eggs, double portion of strawberries) and am STILL very hungry. I went to Wegman's to get a small, plain salad, but their salad bar is really a custom make Ceasar Salad bar - or their pre-made salads (which are REALLY good - but expensive if I can't eat most of the ingredients). So I ended up with a "Harvest Vegetables" medley. I ate all of that too. That was a lot of vegetables. Mostly green beans, but also squash, peppers, onions and carrots. VERY good - but I am still hungry.

Now I am going to Mom and Dad's house to feed Chloe - and I KNOW they will have cookies there - or even if they don't I am THINKING about cookies now. ACK!

Green Beans for breakfast

I just at my green beans. I am really bad about eating my vegetables - so I decided to eat them first today. They were OK. I then ate my hard boiled eggs. So now - at 9:15am I have a container of strawberries and 4 oz of chicken to last me until I go home tonight. I am doomed.

I was 214.2 today. A pound up from yesterday. Grr. Katie and I made a chicken in the crock pot last night (actually all day yesterday). It was VERY easy - dump the chicken in with a jar of salsa and let it stew all day on low. IT WAS REALLY GOOD!!! The meat was falling off the bones - and not at all dry. YUM. Katie also made Un-bread to go with it. That is made with eggs, whey protein, and seasonings. They you bake it like a custard. It was surprising paletable, especially with the chicken - it tasted like stuffing. We have some left - and two cornish hens - so I think I WILL stuff the hens with the un-bread, and maybe some chopped up apple. That will be dinner for tomorrow I think. I made stock with the left over carcas from the chicken. THAT I will use to make Italian Wedding soup - which I didn't get to the other day.

I didn't exercise yesterday. I hate coming home from work so hungry because I can think of nothing else but eating - and then I am too full to exercise. I HAVE to exercise first, eat later. The other habit that Katie and I got into is I call her when I am leaving and she makes dinner so it is mostly ready by the time I get home. This is very practical considering I never get home before 7pm and we are both starving by then. Tonight, Katie - instead of cooking - exercise - then I can exercise while you are cooking. Then we can both drag the damn tree out to the curb!!

Thursday, January 11, 2007


I was 213.2 today. That is not quite half a pound down from yesterday. So - I am still going down. One more pound and I will be exactly where I stalled with Atkins. So - by goal is to bypass THAT number.

I DID exercise yesterday. I just did one of the 10 minute Solutions routines. The Slow and Steady Carb Burn. This is mostly low impact, high energy aerobics. The 10 minute solutions routines always amaze me in how completely they kick my ass. Katie and I decided last night that it is because there is NO down time during it. Most videos build up slowly, and have periodic places in the middle where they have you "Take it down to a march again". The 10 minute ones don't. You start of intense and stay that way for 10 minutes solid. It feels a little rushed - but it is always a relief to get to the end... Of course, I SHOULD do 2 or 3 of these a day - but I am started with one yesterday.

Katie and I did do Let's Dish last night. We have three or four meals that we can use for this diet. We had the sauteed shrimp with tomatos and artichokes last night. With snow peas on the side. It was very pretty and yummy. The dish was supposed to be tossed with pasta and feta cheese - but we left those out. We are eagerly awaiting the end of this two weeks so we can have the beef stroganoff.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


My weight was 213.6 this morning. That was after cheating by eating another Atkins bar last night - AND going to Outback - where I had a Margarita. I couldn't help myself. However, I didn't TOUCH the bread and butter or the Bloody Onion (or whatever it is called...) I had two sides of steamed vegetables, a filet and a side of grilled shrimp. All of this was within the approved parameters of Fat Flush (except the Margarita). So I am pretty pleased.

My big complaint with Fat Flush is that there is nothing snack-y in the diet. Thus the cheating with Atkins Bars for both nights. I went to their forum and there are a bunch of suggested snacks - most of which don't really satisfy my needs for a snack (i.e. something that you can pick at over a span of time). Today I decided to try making apple chips. With the exception of me burning half of them they turned out pretty good. I sliced 1/2 an apple (the other half I mixed with an egg, flax seed and a bit of water for a flax cake which is like a cross between a pancake and a frittata) very thinly and sprinkled them with cinnamon and broiled them on a stone. I am going to do another batch with my other apple in a bit for a snack tonight.

I am behind on my cran water. I had my cran water with psyllium husks (which aren't as gross as I expected them to be!) and about 8 oz plain. I need more... I will shoot to finish a whole bottle by noon.

I am going to make a batch of Italian Wedding Soup (minus the pasta) for our lunch tomorrow. Tonight we are doing Let's Dish - which will be good in the middle of Fat Flush because we will attempt to make it all diet friendly.

I think I am going to exercise now... Ugh.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Dreadful. And that's after I've cut off 15 inches of hair and had my period. I'd hate to see what my weight would have been this week if I hadn't lost all that hair! Daniel and I are joining the gym this week.

Post from Mom who also doesn't post anymore!

In the car this morning she told me that she's at her highest weight ever and she's glad she's heading to Arizona because she won't be around her usual snacks and will be more active so she might lose some weight. Actually, she said she might lose some weight because the Arizona relatives are planning a sauerkraut dinner; I was the one who pointed out that in Arizona in January it should be perfect for lots of walking!

Post from Katie - who doesn't actually post anymore!

Hey there!

I just completed a “diet evaluation” with this site, and it was really kind of interesting. It evaluated my current eating habits, and made recommendations, but the thing I really liked was how it checked vitamins and minerals in the foods I was eating and said what I was getting too much or too little of.

Check it out!

Down just a bit

I was 138 even this morning--down from last week, but up from the weekend. I overindulged this weekend--brunch with friends on Sunday and two large dinners, then yesterday we got pizza for dinner because we were trying to get so much else accomplished we didn't want to stop and cook.

OTOH, my exercise has been pretty good--three days at the gym plus the gardening on Saturday. Once we get the tree down (today, I hope!) I can get back to doing pilates. With the tree there, there's no space.

Is anyone else getting annoyed with the "new blogger?" It makes me log in every single time I get on here, even if I've told it to remember me. I don't know why it's doing this, and it does it at work and at home. It's not that big of a deal, it's just that there's another step in the process to slow me down.

Down two pounds

I was 215 this morning. That is two pounds down from yesterday. That is REALLY good for me. But - that is just the same as my estimated weight from last week and up from my weight on 12/26. I meant to take my measurements when I started Fat Flush - but I keep forgetting to. I will try to do it tonight. I am concerned though... To me my belly looked really round yesterday and today. I can blame today on being gassy and bloated from starting Fat Flush - but yesterday I have nothing to blame it on - so it must just be because I am fat. That and I haven't exercised in FOREVER!!!!

I got three new 10 Minute Solution DVDs yesterday. I need to get the carcas of our tree out of the living room to make room for me exercising. I still have to work on the getting to bed earlier and getting up earlier to exercise. I DID get to bed at 11:12 last night - but I didn't get up any earlier. In fact, I hit the snooze on my alarm clock. I think the more I sleep the harder it is for me to get up. But maybe it is because sleeping seven hours is just a bad amount for me. I will still try to shoot for 10pm as my bed time. Yeah. Right.

I woke up at 2am last night, hungry and having to pee. That is the other problem with going to bed too early - I wake up. And drinking tons of cran-water DEFINITELY makes me have to pee. So - I ate an Atkins Bar. I guess it could be worse. That is one problem with Fat Flush - I can't quite figure out what it is I am supposed to be eating - other than the assigned foods. Oh Well. It is only two weeks. I will stick with the assigned foods (unless I lose it again...).

153.5 again

No change from last week. I have been running the last 2 nights, although last night I was aggravated so I quit after what I think was about 1.5 miles. Twice I accidentally hit the stop button on the treadmill and lost the stats it keeps and had to start all over. So I just thought, to heck with this, and went home and watched tv.

Saturday Amy M and I went to the Lancaster outlets and I hit an amazing clearance rack at the Nike outlet. I finally found a pair of pants to wear while running that don't fall down. This has been an odd problem I have experienced for a while, but even when my gym pants have elastic in the waist and a drawstring, they manage to work their way down and I am constantly hitching them up. It is even worse when I clip my ipod on the wasitband. I was hesitant to buy the ones I did because they are borderline spandex and I have a fundamental opposition to that fabric, but I think I may have started my reformation because they are really comfortable and don't fall down.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Next Wacky Diet

Actually I have done this one before - and I like it for the most part. Katie and I are Fat Flushing. Kristy, at work, is doing it with me too - so that really helps to keep me on track. This is the one that is no grain or carbs of that kind, no fat (except the essential fatty acids) lots of vegetables, two fruits a day, daily eggs, no dairy, and lean proteins. The weird thing about this diet is the accessories... You drink pure cranberry juice mixed with water, take GLA and Omega-3 supplements, and drink hot water with lemon first thing in the morning. I like it because it makes my skin feel great (thanks to the GLA) but my skin also clears up - which is kind of weird because I don't think of my skin as bad - until it clears up.

I was 217 this morning - 216.6 yesterday and 216.4 on Saturday. The last time or two that I did Fat Flush I lost just a few pounds - but I am hoping for 6 this time. Then I will take a week off and start the next diet on 1/29. I can't remember what the next one is... Maybe Southbeach? But, regardless, I want to be off for the weekend that Sarah and I are scrapbooking with Ali and Donna - our next celeb event.

Still no exercise. I have to get back to that. I found a pedometer on Amazon that says it doesn't need to be attached to your waistband. In fact - it says you can put it in a shirt or pants pocket, your purse, etc. for it to register. It is 24$ - I am thinking about getting it. I just ordered The Last Resort Sports Bra (the same one Emily got). This - I figure is expensive enough that I will make myself use that as a motivation to learn to run. Sigh.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Exercise is easier with an iPod

I went to the gym twice this week and got through "Shakespeare in Love," which makes the time on the treadmill go much faster! And I don't mind walking Davey at night when I can choose the music I listen to. Thanks to Amy I've also got some audiobooks--I can see prolonging walks and sessions on the treadmill to make it through chapters. And now I'm beginning to get into podcasts too--I can save "Wait Wait, Don't Tell Me" for Monday on the treadmill. Getting to listen to that program all the way through might be motivation enough to go to the gym!

I was down to 137.2 this morning, so at least my weight is dropping a bit. The cookies are almost gone, and the candy as well--we're down to just hard candy which isn't nearly so tempting. And I also spent well over an hour turning over all the dirt in the garden and pulling out the dead plants from last summer. Nothing like procrastination--fall cleanup and spring preparation all in one!

Thursday, January 04, 2007


I can't believe the scale this morning!! Well - I guess I can but as I just said - OH MY GOSH!!! I blame it on the car ride yesterday... no exercise, most of a package of combos, half a regular coke. I was very sleepy driving home last night.

I didn't weigh myself at Emily's. I thought about it - and even mentioned it to her at one point - but never actually stepped on the scale. I love visiting Emily - it is so relaxed. However, I feel like I am continually eating too much and not exercising enough. When I was getting into my car to leave yesterday I laughed because I hadn't been in my car at all since I had arrived. Now - this visit was a little more extreme. USUALLY when I visit her we DO take walks and DON'T eat cookies and candy all day. Also - this time we had two parties - both of which included chocolate fondue. YUM!!

OK - So - here is my plan. Tonight I will get my treadmill re-set-up. Over the weekend I want to get my Christmas tree taken down (not really - but I have discovered that if I don't do it right away it doesn't happen until Valentine's day...) Starting next week I want to do the fat flush. I am going to TRY to set as my goal getting up 15 minutes earlier so I can do a 10 minute exercise routine in the mornings... Then I want to get back to doing 20-50 minutes on the treadmill. My New Year's Resolution is to learn how to run. I can't run. I blame it on my heavy boobs - and maybe that IS the root of my running phobia... but I want to steal a page from Julie's book and ease myself into running. Right now even a minute is impossible for me.

Yes - to everyone's question... I DO have everyone's weekly weights (if they were reported on the blog) ever since we stared this quest.
1/3/06 1/2/07 Net
Julie 164.8 153.5 -11.3
Sarah 142.8 138.6 -4.20
Emily 148 144.5 -3.50
Amy 207.4 215.0* +7.60
Katie 141.2
Mom 151

My number is made up based on my weight on Saturday and my weight today... I think I was being generous to myself however... I was 217.4 today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have gained a total of 7.6 pounds in 2006. Actually - my low point was 201.8 (in February I think) and I was as high as 219. something in November (or maybe it was October). I spent the majority of the year hovering around 212.

However - I still think we all need to focus on our starting numbers for September of 2005. Using them we are ALL down - even me! I have noticed us all slacking off - but that is OK to a certain degree (for you guys anyway). Yes - Emily - you HAVE gained back - but NO WHERE NEAR the full amount that you lost. You either Sarah... And Julie - well, you haven't gained back your loses... I don't know about Katie or Mom, since neither report in anymore. Emily - you should get Mom re-set while she is down there.

Should we make group resolutions and goals?

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Diet analysis

I did Katie's diet analysis on Yahoo this evening. It said my calorie intake is on the high end of normal, but most components of my diet are pretty balanced -- and I didn't even lie about vegetables, so that's surprising. It also said I get excessive fiber, which surprised me -- I think the way they asked the questions made it seem like I get more fruit than I really do, and I think they overestimated the fiber I get from starchy foods, since we eat too much regular pasta and white rice and such -- foods that are mostly devoid of fiber. I have been out of fiber supplements since before Christmas and have been managing fine, fortunately, but when I've counted grams of fiber in my diet I usually find myself coming up short. The analysis did say I was short on some vitamins (like D, which is ridiculous given how much fortified milk I generally get), but anything I'm short on is more than made up for by my vitamins.

The thing also said I need to exercise more. And I was generous in my statement of exercise at "up to two hours per week" of "moderate" exercise -- lately it's been nearly none! But this was not news to me. Still, it was fun to do, and now I know I need to watch where vitamin E comes from so that I can get enough!

Net loss for 2006: 11.3 lbs

I went back to the first weigh in for January 2006 and I was 164.8, and today I was 153.5. I know today is Wednesday, but this whole holiday on a Monday thing throws me off. I will sift through the posts at some point to see my highest weight unless Amy has magically tracked that in a spreadsheet somewhere. I know at my fattest I was around 170 or 171 in the fall of 2005. Overall, this has been working for me. I know my weight loss increased when I went from walking to running. I think this year I want to try to run some 5k races. Maybe 1 every other month or something. I am going to talk to Amy Mantay's neighbor, Crazy German Ingrid, because she is a member of the Baltimore Running Club. I am hoping she can help me find my "place" in a group or club.

I tried to go to the gym last night but the new years resolutioners had over taken the place. I hope they give up soon so I can go back to having the place to myself at 8 pm. I was actually annoyed last night. Isn't that funny? I may try to go at 9 pm tonight. I went back home and did as much of the pilates for dummies dvd as I could remember since I couldn't actually find the dvd.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Net loss for 2006...

Two pounds. A lousy two pounds. Actually I thought it was zero, but I looked at New Year's time last year and I was 146.5 at my lowest point in 2005, and today I was 144.5. Ugh. I haven't exercised and I'm eating candy, cookies, alcohol. Actually not much alcohol, but it's still a lot of unnecessary calories. I think the situation is hopeless through this week, but we are joining the gym this month and things WILL improve. Once Mom and Dad go home on Friday, I'm going to have to regulate my cookie intake (to one after lunch and one after dinner) and save the rest for the kids (who, fortunately, will eat most of the kinds we have).

I think the two pounds come from my chest -- a year ago I was nursing and much fuller. I'm definitely no thinner at the middle. I might even be thicker. At my lowest this past year I was 132.5, I think, so I've gained back TWELVE pounds, which makes me no better than the 95% (I made up that number, but you get the gist) of dieters who don't keep it off. And this year since I'm not nursing it's going to be a lot harder to lose. Phooey. Why do I sabotage myself this way, when I know I'm capable of better and I know it's better for my health and I know I feel a lot better if I do stay thinner? Sheesh.

Soon as everybody is home, we're going to get serious with this dieting thing, OK?

4.8 pounds in two weeks

Ugh. See, I could lie and say that it was only a much more reasonable 3.2 pounds I gained in the past two weeks since I did weigh in at 137.2 as recently as two days ago. But this morning I was 138.6. My weight has been all over the place the past week--up to 139 one day, down to 136.8 another. I was 138.8 on Saturday, then 137.2 Sunday, then didn't weigh myself on Monday, then today was 138.6. I guess the weight itself really doesn't matter since ALL the weights are above my 135 top limit. So I've got some work to do. I wonder if I can lose four pounds by next Tuesday? I wonder if the grapefruit diet really works?

Some of the weight, at least, is water retention. Or at any rate I can't get my rings off today but I could when I was at 137.2. So maybe I'll lose some of this weight quickly. But I think I have at least three pounds of just plain old fat to burn off.

I'm back at work today and back to my usual schedule. I didn't pack any goodies, although they are still lurking at home. I keep pushing cookies on the kids, but they won't eat anything but sugar cookies (Claire) and malted milk brownies (Connor) and those are mostly gone. There's still a lot of candy hanging around too. I should throw it all out, but the frugal person in me won't let me do that. So there's nothing to be done except to eat it all as soon as possible so I can just move forward, right?