I wasn't perfect this weekend, but my cheating was more along the lines of my cheating four or five months ago and not my recent cheating of eating everything in sight!
On Friday I wasn't able to make it to the gym, but when I realized this around 3:30 in the afternoon, I at least put on my running shoes and went for a 25 minute walk outside--much more manageable than the hour or more that the gym takes and almost as much exercise. I was great with food that day until two slips in the afternoon, only one of which was really avoidable. The first was when I was meeting with my boss. The college president came in and said she had cheesecake and did we want any, so Dave immediately said yes and said we could continue our meeting in the president's office. So I had cheesecake, but it was two itty-bitty (about a half inch by one and a half inches) pieces. Then just before leaving for the day another woman came by and said that there was food leftover from a meeting. I told her no way, I had already eaten enough. Then I weakened and went and had two crackers, six grapes, one piece of cheese and a cookie. THEN I came home and ordered pizza for dinner and had two pieces!
OK, so maybe that wasn't such a great day.
Saturday, Sheep and Wool Festival--cereal for breakfast. Intended to eat lunch at the festival but ended up not getting anything for myself, although I finished off Claire's ice cream cone and Brian's french fries, and then got cotton candy on the way out. I had a pear and mock cinnabon when we got home, then baked chicken and roasted vegetables for dinner with a pasta salad. At night, Brian and I had popcorn and a beer while watching another two episodes of West Wing.
Sunday--two eggs, a piece of toast, and an orange for breakfast. Mock cinnabon and five of the GS Lemon Cooler cookies for lunch (one serving--it helps that I don't really like them), a small piece of birthday cake (unintended--I had planned to have a larger piece!) at Kirsten's party, then dinner was a hamburger with lettuce, tomato, and pickle, taboule, and broccoli salad. More popcorn in the evening.
So basically I just didn't gorge on a ton of candy, but I sure did take in a lot of food!
Exercise--nothing formal. On Saturday I was on my feet most of the day at the Sheep and Wool Festival, then the working horse thing across the street, then shopping. I know I broke 10,000 steps, but I can't remember by how much. Yesterday I walked a lot more--I hit 15,000 for the first time since keeping track. A lot of that was because I was at the playground with the kids for an hour after Kirsten's party and then I took Davey for a long and rambling walk. And I did the laundry, which involves a lot of going up and down the stairs.
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