Thursday, May 25, 2006

Back to the blogging board

OK Toots(es)! We are losing focus and momentum. I know many of you have reached - or are pretty darn close to reaching your goals - but about half of us still have some work to do. We agreed in the beginning that we would all continue to post after goals were reached because we are a group and because maintaining is harder that losing (so I have been told - I am maintaining JUST FINE). With the exception of weigh in days we have all gotten very lazy in our postings. In fact - NO ONE posted yesterday at all. Bad, bad.

OK - MOM actually TRIED to post - but her stuff was lost. Please note that there is now a secruity verification "word" and box at the bottom of where you write your posts. Make sure you fill in the box. I tried to post without that and it won't let me. I think that is how mom's two posts disappeared. Emily - you may be able to figure out how to get them back - but I don't see a way.

Katie - I know it isn't as conveinent for you to post now that your school blocks blogs - but you DO get online almost everyday at home. The Blog isn't blocked then, it it? If you can im with Charles when he SHOULD be working - you can take 5 minutes to post on the blog. If your system is still not allowing you to access the blog - sign onto the regular computer. It isn't THAT much effort.

I will be the first to admit that there are times when work prevents us from getting on and posting... but we all need to try to get back to where we were at the beginning of this adventure. We were all so good back in the fall and winter. I also know that we probably all seem like we are posting the same things every day. That MAY feel true - but it really isn't. I don't think I have EVER read anyone's post and thought "Hummm, seems like I read this one already."

So - like with exercising we need to set goals for ourselves. We need a "no excuses" on posting. Or if you aren't prepared to do that we can try a "One more than last week" rule and build up to it - or a three to four posts a week goal.

OK... Enough of that. My meeting with my trainer yesterday was postponed by HIM this time. Luckily I didn't get the message - so I went to the gym and did my usual workout on the treadmill and the abs machines. Sadly, this was the first time in almost two weeks that I went to the gym. It is SO easy to be too busy this time of year.

My weight yesterday was 207.6 and up to 208.8 today. I was surprised by this. I really ate pretty well yesterday until last night. Last night I had a meeting at happy hour. Seriously - we had a meeting in a bar at 4:30pm. We had bar food. I was surprisingly restrained - but bar food is pure fat, so even just breathing the air in happy hour has to be fattening. I did have two ciders and then a margarita. I have decided that - while i love margaritas, I don't like the sours mix they use for it. That gives me reflux.

Katie and I are at war with the ants. Of course, this is nothing new. We are currently on the flying ant variety (really - they are flying ants and not termites). They are annoying and freaky and getting upstairs - which the other types have not. I got so fed up that I sprayed a good chunk of the kitchen floor last night. (This type has been having field parties in the middle of the floor rather than by windows, doors or on the counter... I am not sure why). By about two hours later I was sick to my stomach with a god awful headache. I blame it on the ant spray. That has happened to me each time we have done more than a spot spray of the stuff. Katie cleaned it up around 11:30 - which was good. The smell was so bad I couldn't stand to leave my bedroom -even though I was forced to to run to the bathroom every 10 minutes. Once she cleaned it up I began to feel better. I am running to Lowes today to get another brand of ant traps and the sticks you stick in the ground. I have heard they work pretty well. This has definitely been the worst year for ants.

Anyway - after being sick all last night, I would have expected my weight to be lower... But, my period started today - which means my weight should go up about four pounds now. Sigh.

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