Monday, May 29, 2006

Me three

I haven't been watching my food for months (except for avoiding sweets in Lent) and lately the serious exercise has been down to two days a week. I know I can do better than that but I can't seem to get worked up about it. And I should especially be alarmed because my weight is crreping upwards -- I was 136 this morning. Today I need to be extra-special good, and every day until my weight is back down.

I went shopping for shorts and capris this weekend, and I came away feeling that size inflation has run amok! I started by pulling 10s off the shelf at Target, and I had to put them all back and get 8s. (And they're kind of low-rise -- by my standards -- so they feel like they're falling down.) Then at another store the 8s were baggy and I wound up with a pair of 6s -- and even those are roomy. I have NEVER in my life been a 6, barring when I WAS six, and I'm not now. I was a 10 -- 8 if I got lucky -- when I weighed 117 in high school. This is ridiculous. I should be a 12. If I'm going to be a 6 or an 8 I want to have earned it!

I have no idea how to fix the boredom problem. I thought about saying we should take the summer off from blogging, so it would be new and fun in the fall, but I fear that we'd lose too much ground. Anyone have a better idea?

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