Friday, March 17, 2006

Oh and also...

I always seem to forget things that I meant to psot... I started my post today to specifically announce that I ordered a bikini. 8-)

I can't guarentee that I will ever wear it! But after seeing some of the hideous bodies wearing bikinis on the cruise I decided that if THEY can do it so can I - although the world would probably be a much better place if NONE of us were wearing them. Since my challenge to us was to all (with the exception of those that gave birth multiple times) to wear a bikini by the end of September I decided that included me too. I ordered a bright red one that was on sale for $13.00.


Julie S said...

There was a bikini challenge??? I can't even begin to explain how much this traumatizes me.

Amy said...

Oh - Maybe it wasn't actually ON the blog. We are going to the beach in September. We have NEVER done a beach family vacation. Anyway - the challenge was we all had to wear a bikini at some point that week. But Sarah, Mom and Emily all declined. So - it became anyone who hadn't given birth had to wear a bikini. I may wear one to bed one night and call it done. 8-)