Monday, March 27, 2006


I haven't posted since Thursday - and I have been really bad too. Friday was a killer day, so I didn't get a chance to post, then I was pretty busy all weekend. I am not sure where the time went.

I ate horribly yesterday - but have been doing OK on previous days. After our big breakfast and then Connor's birthday cake I ate only vegetables. Well - we did have garlic bread with our dinner vegetables. I needed greed stuff!! My exercise, on the other hand, has been just aweful! I did one day at the gym and then Katie and I worked out one day after work... So only two days last week. Ugh! I will try to be better this week. I am having a hard time getting into the swing of things again after the cruise. I really have to concentrate this time!

My weight has been going steadily up. I was 205.8 on Friday. Then 206.6 on Saturday and 207.6 yesterday. Today I was 208.8. My period started with a vengance on Saturday or Sunday... Sunday I think. I have been munchie all last week - like I said - but my weight didn't do the spike in advance, like it normally does. But - TODAY - it made up for it.

Of course, I was weighing myself off schedule. I had to be at work at 5:45 this morning for our Fiscal New Year welcome. So I weighed in about 2 hours earlier than usual.

We were handing out breakfast as a goodie. That was cheese, granola bar and a banana. I ate two cheeses (they were the laughing cow kind) and one granola bar - but the bananas were way to green for my taste. I also have had two large coffees so far. I just ordered a third from Kristy who is running errands. Hopefully she will stop for coffee for me. I am falling asleep here (even though I went to bed at 10:30 last night!).

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