Friday, March 17, 2006

Corned beef dispensation

I heard that a lot of American bishops have granted dispensations to their dioceses to allow Catholics to eat meat today to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. I didn't see a word about it in the Catholic paper yesterday, but the "Whispers in the Loggia" blog that has been keeping track listed Baltimore as one diocese receiving this dispensation. So what I want to know is--does this ONLY cover corned beef (which I hate) or all meats? But since I doubt that St. Patrick ate meat during Lent, I think I'll stick with fish or vegetarian today.

Food yesterday was o.k.--my usual stuff all day, leftover beans and rice (and a very small serving since all that was left was one large serving that I divided between Claire and me) for dinner, and just one serving of jelly beans--no gorging yesterday. I didn't go to the gym OR do pilates, but I got out for two 25 minute walks with Davey. I completely forgot to weigh myself this morning. Yesterday it was deliberate, today it was just forgetful.

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